Thursday, July 21, 2011

Where do we stand...

That's always a good question.
Monday was my last official day of vacation.  I did something fun, a friend and I went to see 'Harry Potter and The Deathly Hollows II'  Followed by a late lunch at Olive Garden.
I like the Harry Potter movies and it was a fitting end to the series.  I've only read one of the books,  The Deathly Hollows.
Yeah, I know, but I wanted to find out what happened.  I'll go back and read the rest at some point in time.
It seems that I have this base aversion to fads, and when H.P. catapulted to fame I became immediately resistant to it.  The only real reason I started watching the movies is, I was out voted on a movie night years ago.
But, there will probably be more on that later...
It was a very good day, but I didn't get much done.
I did some yard time early yesterday.  did some more weeding and moving things around, watered, etc.  The heat is putting a crimp in outdoor activity right now.  It's going to be another day of over 100 with the index.
I'm really grateful that I don't have to go out there right now.
Today is Thursday and I really don't know where the week went...
Well, yeah I do really...  Maxwell has sucked up a great deal of time this week.
The switch over has gone, fairly, well.  The Linux interface is different, but not totally alien.  One 'problem' is that the basic controls, closing, minimizing, is on the wrong side.  Instead of being on the right, it's on the left.  Being a creature of habit, that's a bit annoying.  But I'll get used to that.
I figured out why the sound wasn't working.  That was easy, all I had to do was turn the mute off.  Yeah, that took me a while to find, but I didn't turn it on, so why should I think to turn it off?
I figured out how to get my fonts loaded.  Linux really doesn't like working with the Windows standard on somethings.  Wants to keep it in the family, as it were.  Which, I can understand.  I know that Windows doesn't work and play well with a lot of compatible programs.  I can imagine that cooperation with a rival operating system is pretty much nil.  Linux has it's own fonts.  But I have a rather extensive font collection and I use them.  I really wasn't up for the idea of finding Linux versions of all of them.  Not to mention that, even if I did find the same fonts, they wouldn't be recognized as the same.  I really wasn't up for reformatting, specially since I found a Whole file of things I forgot to convert to PDF.
Now I'm wrestling with trying to get some Windows based programs to run.  I'm sorry, I've got programs for certain things that I paid for and I'm used to using.  It's a little hard to let go of everything.  Since I haven't found anything in the Linux lineup that I like as well, I really want to get those programs up and running.  But, the software I installed for that doesn't appear to be working...
Man, this has been a time sucking endeavor.  I guess I've just been too preoccupied to notice.  I've been loading and unloading programs all week...
I got back up and running with basic function, getting online, email, and such pretty fast and easy.  So the delay in getting everything back to a functional level doesn't seem to be connected, sort of.
It's a struggle, but I think it will be worth it in the end.
While working with Max, I've been cleaning the office.  Not the easiest thing, since the office has become a dumping ground for all the things that don't have a home.  Lately that's been craft and sewing stuff.  If I'm gonna even attempt to do the flea market thing, I need to get a handle on that and get moving.  So I'm cleaning and resorting again.  With such a small place, it's not easy wedging all this stuff in here.  For a while half the kitchen was in the living room.  Now, most of the office is out there.  But I'm getting the last of the wall stuff up, dusting, trying to figure out a way to store stuff so I can get to it without having to tear everything apart, and deciding that there's even more stuff that I can live without.
Which is increasing the size of the yard sale crap pile....
I take comfort that all that will be out of here soon, one way or another.
I've cleaned out my files, organized some of the scanning stuff, put all the Cd's back in their cases, reorganized the music collection.  Found a tape organizer at a yard sale for $1 that helped with that.
Next, I start on the bedroom.  I still need to put the shades up in there, and since Anya is tearing the foil off the windows, I can either put up more foil, or put the shades up.  I hate putting up shades.
After that I have to tackle the hall closet.  It's the place where all the stuff you need, but don't use all the time, has gone.  It's stuffed and I need to pull it all out and put it back in in some semblance of order.
I need to get more active on the job front.  I've put in several apps. on-line, but haven't heard anything back.  I'm thinking that next week will be a big push on that front...
I made a pixie.  He's in the oven baking now.  I'm not real happy with him.  I don't like his feet.  But I finished him at 2 o'clock this morning and he's as done as he'll ever get.  Except for the painting.
I'm pretty much set to stick with the white Sculpey and painting.  There's way more color options that way.
I've read some things that thoroughly piss me off this week, but that's fodder for other posts....
My goofy dogs are doing well.  They really don't like the heat.  That's one of the things that's kept me out of the yard, cuz if I'm out there they want to be out there.
And if it's too hot for the dogs should I really be out there?
The cats are fine as well.   Oz was just sitting on the dryer chattering at the birds.  Anya is her annoying self.  She seems determined to uncover the widows in the bedroom.  She's also figured out that the cabinet in the utility room doesn't close all the way, so she's been pulling stuff out of there for the last week or so.  She's really lucky that Dusty didn't eat my knee pads yesterday.  Ash still prefers spending his days outside.  The heat doesn't seem to bother him.  He's hanging around the yard when I go out, so I let him have his way, as always.

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