A general statement.....

This was my first post to Left Take back in Dec. 2009.
Further research has caused me to doubt the idea of a flat tax being the best way to go, but the jury's still out...

I’ll never be a republican.  Though I always vote democratic, I’m not really a democrat.  I’m more a pragmatist.

Abortion should remain legal until we do something to provide for all the unwanted children that are already here.  Read the newspaper folks, parents are killing their own.  This is not a good sign.  When rats are stressed they turn to cannibalism.  How many kids are in the foster care system?  Do you really want to force people who don’t want kids to have them?

Personally, I think we should curb the fertility industry.  How many embryos are they flushing down the sink on a daily basis?

If you’re going to have a death penalty it should be enforced.  If you want to do all you can to insure that innocent people aren’t executed create an independent (INDEPENDENT, completely.  No lawyers to argue their case, no politicians to pull strings.) board of review.  A board drawn from multiple disciplines that reviews the entire case from evidence collection to sentencing.  If they don’t find anything amiss the sentence goes forward.  This would also streamline the appeals process.  Once the case is decided it passes to the board for review of the facts, and that’s it.

Should we have a death penalty?  You shot rabid dogs, don’t you?  There are some people who don’t work and play well in the general population.  If you can never let them out again they should be gone.  How much mercy did they show their victims?

I believe in smaller government.  I want it out of my bedroom and living room.  I want it in the boardroom and on the factory floor.

Wanna solve our economic woes?  Stop giving money to the fools that lost it in the first place.

AGI, a bonus is something you get for doing a good job.  Did you guys do a good job?

A bonus is a perk, not a guarantee.

A bonus is something you get when the company profits.

A bonus is something I’m not getting this year thanks to you clowns.  I am also not getting a raise.  Why should I pay you anything extra?

It would also help if corporations would start paying their taxes.

It would really help if everybody started paying their taxes.  It would be so easy with a flat tax.  Then you wouldn’t have to worry about all the ins and outs and the loopholes.

Why are we still subsidizing the oil industry?  They had record profits last year.

Why are we subsidizing the pharmaceutical industry?  Don’t they make enough money?

Why do boards of directors profit off of providing water and power?

You really wanna kick-start the economy?  Fund a bum.  If you really want to get money moving give $10,000 to the poorest people in the country.  That money will be back in circulation the day after.

But that’s not the point, is it?

I’m not a republican and I’m not a democrat either.  They’re all playing the same game and I don’t have enough money to buy in.  They want money to move, but only in the proper channels.

Of the rich, by the rich, for the rich…

Or of the corporation, by the corporation, for the corporation…

I truly believe that Bush the younger allowed 911 to happen.  I don’t think he planned it or set it up, but I believe he allowed it to happen.

I believe that Bush the younger stole the election.

Marriage pre-dates reliable recorded history, so why do the Christians suddenly own it?  What gives anybody the right to tell anyone who they can and can’t marry?

I think that in this day and age we should have a national, standardized curriculum.  A kid should be able to move from Maine to California and not have to worry weather or not his credits will transfer.

Intelligent design is not science.  We’ve proven Darwin’s theory, get over it.

We shouldn’t pay kids to attend school.  We should remind them that the knowledge is the reward.

Am I they only one who’s thought about figuring out some way to wire all the gyms and fitness facilities to collect energy?  Think of all the calories just burning away into space.  We could be making light out of that.  I’d do some laps on a treadmill if it took some off my electric bill.

Think Global, live local.  What’s wrong with getting your meat and your tomatoes from the farm outside of town?  Does it really have to be trucked across the continent?

Of course this is a radical idea as far as the corporate farms are concerned.

Instead of ever expanding to the outskirts, we should be looking for ways to draw back in and make our cities safer and more comfortable.  We need green space more than we need another strip mall or housing development.

Worried about carbon emissions?  Auto industry going under?  Population obese?

Let the auto industry sink.  Use the money on some decent public transportation and encourage people to walk more.

This would create a niche for more, smaller stores, and branch offices.  The delivery service would be a whole new industry.

Why can’t you get from Maine to California quickly and cheaply?  A coast to coast light rail system would be wonderful.  Europe can do it, why can’t we?

It’d be so cool to refit an unused rail car and turn it into a self contained apartment and be able to hook up to a train and move where you wanted to.

OF COURSE PIGS STINK.  The pig farm was there before you built the house, live with it.

SIGH, I feel better now.  Thank you.

Oh, yeah, John Wayne was a good actor….

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