Friday, July 1, 2011

Well, this is annoying.

I had a plan.  It was a good plan.
I was gonna get up, do the net thing, check email, look up a couple of things, download a couple of things, finish cleaning up the files in prep for the future ordeal.  Then I was gonna journey out to the store and lay in provisions and supplies.  Have a list almost ready to go.  I was gonna come home do some clean up and organizing, maybe mow the front yard.
And then I was gonna settle in and begin the procedure.
See I’m going to brainwash Maxwell this weekend.  This is the big one.  I’m gonna reformat and switch to Linux.
Yes, my computer has a name.  A long time ago I figured that if I was gonna spend this much time with something, it should have a name.
I’m thinking about naming the sewing machine Gertrude.  Or Maurice.  Not sure witch yet….
I was gonna pay bills, I was gonna buy a bus pass, I was gonna get up and get moving…
My Internet is down.  It’s been down all morning.  I’m writing this off line in word, cuz I can’t get on line and get stuff done.
Plan-us interruptus SUCKS.
I got the file cleanup done.
And I found a whole bunch of half-formed or finished projects that show some potential.  So the morning hasn’t been a total loss.  But this wasn’t in my plan.
I’ve gotta stop waiting for the stupid connection to come back and move on.  I can go do other things…
But damit, I had a plan.

And isn't that just the way, the minute I decide to try and go be productive elsewhere, the internet comes back.
So far my entire day is made of fail.
I got the garden watered.  When I was coming back in from that I heard a cardinal cheeping.  I stopped looked up into the tree, couldn't see him.  Out of the corner of my eye I see movement on the fence, and sure enough there he is, a small male, sitting on the fence, not more than 6 feet away.  Do I have a camera with me?  No, of course not.  He hoped around on the fence for a good couple of minutes while I debated running for the camera, knowing he'd be gone before I got back.
And he was.
I need to get a holster for the camera and just carry it with me 24/7.  Cuz when I go out with the camera nothing happens.  The dogs don't play, the fireflies don't fire, and the birds don't hop around on the fence.
It's not even noon, and already my momentum is shot to hell and gone.

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