Friday, July 1, 2011

I surrender...

Was trying to wrap my head around feeds and monetizeing the site.
Yes, I'm gonna sell out to the evil advertising empire.  Desperate times call for desperate things and all that.
They promise that it will be targeted advertising.  Though how yer gonna get a coherent target out of this blog is beyond me.  Half the time the voices in my head can't agree on what to have for dinner, much less focus on a single thing, all at once, for even a minute.
Those who know me well, know that I suffer from the 'ohhhh, shiny' syndrome.
So I'm sitting here and the eyes and the front of the head are scanning words about RSS feeds and some sort of code and meanwhile at the back of the head 1/3 is off worrying about something I said or did today, another 1/3 is having a committee meeting trying to decide what would be fun to do, and the last bit is already snuggled up in the covers and fading fast.
It's sad that I spend 1/2 of my time trying to ignore 3/4s of my head.
It's a simple fact that no real work is gettin done tonight...
It's been a long day.
Today was my last day at work.
It's been a long day.
I went and spent money I probably shouldn't have spent.  We'll have to wait and see how that pans out...
I did get a chuckle this week.  Michele Bachmann (R-MN), this week declared that John Wayne was from Waterloo Iowa, and that's the kinda spirit that she has...
Problem 1, John Wayne, the actor, was from Winterset Iowa.  Which is, in fact, about 120 miles away from where Bachmann grew up.
Problem 2, there was a John Wayne who lived in and around Waterloo.  John Wayne Gacy, the killer clown.
So she's telling us that she has a spirit that raped and murdered 30 young men and buried them under the front porch?
There's a real vote getter.
Or how about this little gem:

She really is taking a page from Palin with the 'let's not answer the question, just spout words like founding fathers and freedom, and hope they don't notice' response.  If they're not careful the Republican race could degenerate into the clash of the killer Barbies.
That would get ratings...
It's sad that someone this uninformed and clueless could even think of occupying the oval office.  Come on people, are we really this stupid?


  1. That's a question that is too frightening to answer after eight years of George Bush and the complete vandalization of any remnants of sanity in our economic and foreign policies. Just sayin'....

  2. Yeah. I just read an excellent diary over on Left Take about the state of education. Seems that 40% of the 18-29 demographic don't know who we fought in the war of independence. Have to wonder just what they have been learning.
