Saturday, July 9, 2011

Randomness from the drive...

No I haven't preformed the procedure yet.
I don't wanna.
But I will.
And since I managed to be an almost total slug yesterday.  Almost, I picked up and did dishes and then started messing with the yard sale stuff and swept and vacuumed...
I did take a nap.
And then I stayed up late, mopping.  I know I lead a sad life. ;->
But I went and did something fun today.  So it's not all work.
Since I'm still procrastinating, I've decided to throw up a whole bunch of stuff, all at once.  Hopefully some of it will be entertaining.
This is stuff that I have sitting on the drive.  Some of it has been posted elsewhere on the web...

Whoa, that was close.  Just went and let the dogs out and one of the stupid squirrels almost bought the farm.  It's lucky Dusty is a big dog and can't turn on a dime...

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