Saturday, July 30, 2011

I am prepared....

To be very upset.
VERY, VERY upset.
Obama met with top Democrats at the White House and spoke by phone with Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell. Meanwhile, increasing numbers of Democrats signal their readiness for a compromise that would cut spending without raising taxes.

I've read this in two different places....
It looks as if our fearful leader is, again, preparing to crumble.
As usual, when push comes to shove, the democrats fall over like a stage set with no cross members.
Why have we gone through the last couple of weeks of wrangling if they are just going to cave under to Republican pressure?
LISTEN UP PEOPLE, the American public is with you, not the tea baggers.  I've just come back from running an errand and talk is running the Democratic side.  No one living down here in the real world wants to see Social Security cut.  No one wants to see the end of Medicare.  No one down here wants to see the retirement age raised to 70.
What we do want to see is our elected officials doing what is right for the common good.  We want to see the tax loopholes that the rich drive their big, expensive lives through, CLOSED.  We want to see leaders who realize that the sucking on the middle class teat needs to STOP.  We want to see the corporations stop taking money from the tax payers, and we want to see those same corporations PAY THEIR FAIR SHARE.  We want to see someone who is strong enough to take the heat from the conservative media dogs.  We want someone who is strong enough to STAND UP FOR US.
I know that what I write here has little to no effect, but God Dammit, it is time for someone to speak up.  It's time for someone to cry FOUL!
For years now the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy have been dragging this country down.  They are not creating jobs.  They are not HELPING anyone.  If they were we'd be in much better shape than we are.
It's not like the President and the Democrats in congress are actually doing what they should and seeking to increase revenue in a big way.  All they wanted was to generate a smidgen of revenue from tightening the tax laws.  It wouldn't hurt the wealthy to loose a couple of tax dodges and shelters.  They still get to keep the vast majority of their money.  They still get the damaging tax cuts.  All the Democrats were asking for was a few drops to trickle down.
And now they are going to surrender even that.
I don't want to see the President settle for a weakened deal, just to avoid the fallout.  It's not like asking for the tax laws to be tightened is an unreasonable request.  Hell, demanding that the Bush tax cuts be ended right here and now wouldn't be an unreasonable request.
I'd really prefer to see him stick to his guns and use the 14th amendment to by pass the corporate lap dogs in congress.
But, obviously, there is no spine in the Democratic party.

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