Thursday, July 14, 2011

Are we having fun yet?

<SIGH>  No, I haven't brainwashed Max yet.
I tried.  But the boot disk isn't working.  Nero isn't exploding the ISO file.
Who knew?  I downloaded 1 file.  It copied 1 file....
Ah well, I was working out in the yard yesterday anyway.  It was a good day for yard work.  I updated Gorilla Gardening.  I like the idea that I'll have a record of the growing year.  My memory needs all the help it can get and visual aids are always good.
My vacation is swiftly approaching the end.  I've got 4 days left, and then I'll have to start freaking out over the looming lack of income.  But ya know, right now I could give a rats ass.  Right now I can stick my fingers in my ears and close my eyes, nah, nah, nah....
I haven't started painting the house yet.  I'm slightly obsessed with the garden right now.  There's a hell of a lot of work right there.
And I've thoroughly cleaned the kitchen and the living room.
And I have written something everyday.  Mostly blog entries, but it is something.
And for me that's saying a lot.  My relationship with writing is a lot like Hemingway's, it don't come easy.  Which really sucks cuz I've got some great ideas kicking around in my head.
I resurrected the... book?  I don't know that you could really call it that.  It started out as an exorcise in conversation.  I got hooked on the characters and it kinda grew like a lizard blasted by radiation.  It's gotten outta hand and like any decent psychic vampire it sucks up a lot of time and attention.  Which is why it is forcefully shelved when time and attention are at a premium.
It's not like it's gonna amount to anything more than a frivolous waste of time.  The only reason that I keep hacking away at it is because I want to know what happens.
And that's not how yer supposed to write a novel.  Specially not a commercial novel.  To write a commercial novel you should have it all mapped out from the beginning.  You should know where yer mid point is and have yer end in sight.
What I have is the idea of a final scene and a lot more ground to cover before I get there.  But, so far it's been a fun ride.
And the research has been interesting.
I'm weird, I like research.  I like surfing the net and reading random bits of carp.  I'm looking forward to a day when I have more time to do that.
But right now, I have more weeds to pull, a house to paint and set in order, and a computer to reformat.  Daylights burnin and I have a bitch to pitch over on Left Take.
And yes, the O.S.S. rears it's ugly head.  I'm sitting here typing and my heads been fifty different places since I started this sentence...
I'm not sure what I'm gonna do with the rest of my day.  But I need to get doing it...

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