Thursday, July 14, 2011

Where's the beef?

Crossposted to

We need a new Clara Peller.
Ya all remember her don't ya?

The other day I read that Boehner was opposed to any plan that taxed the nations 'job creators'.
OK, so where's the jobs?
We've had these tax cuts for how long now?
Where, exactly, are all the jobs these tax cuts are supposed to be creating?
Speaking as one of the recently unemployed, I really wanna know.
The unemployment rate is sitting at 9.2, and that's not the real number, that's just what's counted on the unemployment rolls.  As one of the ones not counted, I can assure that the number is higher.
So where are all these jobs that are being generated by the tax cuts?
Why should we gut social programs just to give the grossly rich and the corporations more?
While searching this topic I found this:

Who Are the Job Creators? Not Who Boehner Would Have You Believe.

Which details the true situation way better than I can.
It's enough to make me wanna put on a flowered dress and the old lady wig and start following him around. (Believe me if I had the money and the time I would.)  Cuz someone needs to challenge the GOP on this.  Someone needs to be asking 'Where's the JOBS?'

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