Sunday, July 3, 2011

I gotta quit messin with this blog...

first thing in the morning.

I was gonna post the notes to Steve and be on with my day...
But with the 'Ohhhh Shiny Syndrome', I'm gonna shroten that to OSS from now on, cuz I can't remember how to spell the whole thing, so, with OSS one thing leads to another and going on 5 hours later, I'm sittin here all weepy, with practically nothing done.
I say practically nothing, cuz in those hours I have moved laundry along, fed, watered, played with, cuddled, and/or talked with every member of the Peanut Gallery, (whom I'll introduce more formally anon.), watered the garden, and picked up sporadically.  Oh, yeah dishes, I did a few of those.
But I've squandered the cool working hours of this day sitting in front of the computer, instead of weeding.
And since we are moving into the heat of the day and I really am not motivated to go out there...
And there's a couple more pages I want to do...
Since it took 2 days to lay in supplies and not just one...
Since the entire plan of how this weekend was supposed to run was shot to hell and gone bright and early on the first day...
I am declaring a Mulligan.
For those, if any, unfamiliar, a Mulligan, associated with several sports and games, most notably golf, is a do over.  I know the practice from darts.  If a shot was so bad, and most often, there was some sort of unsettling event preceding, a player declares a Mulligan and does the throw over.

Tanya Harding, a famous Mulligan.

It's legal.  Everybody's allowed at least one.

I am calling a Mulligan
It's time to revise the plan.  I'm declaring today blog day.  I wanna post a page about the P.G., and I want to organize the notes from Steve.  I need to do an update on the garden.  I'm just gonna get it all out of the way today.
I need to get out to Walmart, yes I do shop the evil empire when I don't have a choice, and Lowe's.  I'm gonna see what I can arrange.
We'll see what happens after that....


  1. Hey, Kathleen! I am enjoying your blog! I just watched several of your video posts on the other page. It makes for an interesting early morning to click on more than one at a time, by the way. :o) I enjoyed Danny Kaye and Harry Belafonte, though.

    So, you can whittle away the hours online and pull weeds at your leisure now, even declaring mulligans on a particular day. Hmm, I'd say there's something to be said about not having to hit a time clock (but maybe we shouldn't say it, eh?).

    Since I can't see you "there," I hope to come here to say hi now and then. It's so odd when you expect nothing to change and it does and you wonder how you could've taken it for granted in the first place. Yes, I'm speaking about your presence at work, but at least you're right here behind my computer screen now, and that's nice to know.

    Speaking of work, it's time to get ready for it. Take good care, Kathleen! :o)


  2. Hey Karen,
    Yeah!! ;->
    This, right here, is one of the main reasons I started the blog. There are a lot of people I'm gonna miss seeing and talking to. At least this way we can still communicate.
    I'm glad you found something fun. I love that clip of Harry and Danny. I keep clicking into the page just to listen to it. Thanks for the feed back.
    I'll think good thoughts for you, hope you have a great day.
