Thursday, July 7, 2011

If it walks like a duck...

Crossposted to:

This started as a response in another thread, and then it spiraled out of control…
The hold the Radical right has on this country is becoming more and more obvious.
Daily the PTB advance ever closer to the final goal, which is looking like a world wide feudal economic system, with a small class of the insanely rich controlling everything and all us 'dead peasants' beholding to a corporate master and getting everything from the company store.
For Pete’s sake, for a clerk’s job at QuickTrip you have to sign off on a background check.  OK, I can see checking to see if someone has a record.  But it doesn’t stop there.  They reserve the right to check credit, and interview friends, neighbors, and family.  WTF?
They've cloaked the thought police in the guise of newscasters and media pundits, who feed the party line laced with enough fear to transfix a water buffalo.
The malignancy of under-employment, unemployment, and disadvantage spreads by the hour.
But we've got 'Dancing With The Stars' and Oui to keep us tranquilized.  There's very little true creativity left, and popular media is doing all it can to beat that into submission.
The more I read the more I realize that public education is little more than a means of keeping the drone larvae contained until they are old enough, and properly conditioned, to take their place serving their economic betters.  A few make it out with enough mental might to form a coherent sentence.  Those are elevated to a ‘privileged’ position of minor functionary.
After all, there should be levels of bureaucracy between the bottom and the top that would make Dante’s head spin.  The over class needs an under class.  To keep them there you need an under-over class to hold the rest down.
The world is on a tipping point.  Our choices are:
1. Let a few greedy bastards drive the world to environmental and societal collapse.
2. Wake up and try to fix the problem.
I don’t have much hope for #2.  I’m just glad I don’t have kids or grand kids.


  1. It's friggin hilarious how, the more abject the box store, the more paperwork you have to fill out, the more questions you have to answer, complete with a mini-essay about why you have always, ALWAYS wanted to work at The Dollar Store ever since you were small, and NO...NO, you're not applying just cuz ya need some this is the career arc you have dreamed of! WTF? How'd that 17 year old manager get his job? The dude has sneakers with velcro straps!!!!

  2. LOL.
    Oh but yes, we all want to be a corporate drone. Nobody works cuz they need the money. We work because we love it, there's nothing else we'd rather do.
    And you too can rise to the level of manager. Just turn in your soul and your first born and we're set.
    It's distressing how the corporate world is sneaking into our lives. It's not enough that you show up on time, ready to work, and do good job. Now you have to toe the corporate line 24/7. You can't take home into work, but work can come into your home and no one really complains. Pretty soon there will be nothing like a private life.

  3. The new barbarism is so cunning and so complete. It makes my head spin when I contemplate how thorough it is...and that they have conditioned us to desire it. Now hordes of sad people can scarcely imagine anything outside the system.

  4. You are right about the cunning barbarism and the hordes.
    But the imagination outside the system is alive and well. I know a few of the younger generation who are looking for options.
    We've even got a few of the younger set lurking and posting over on Left Take.
    People are looking for options, they just aren't finding many.

  5. I'm glad that there are some young 'uns who are looking for a new way forward. I think communes are going to have to make a come-back. Our hyper-individualism has always been unsustainable from a historical perspective, and deceptive from a psychological perspective.

  6. Communes are going to have to go a long way to over come the negative image. You say commune now days and images of Jonestown and white supremacists spring to mind. Communes have been thoroughly tarred with the Communist brush.
    The meanings and traditions of community have been warped in this country. At a time when we will need them most, they are at their weakest. A great many exists in this country who have no family or community,
    My deary departed and I hatched an idea about families and groups of friends incorporating to pool their resources and have more bargaining power.
    Still need to go do some research.
