Monday, July 11, 2011

We're off.

Well, I have put this off as long as I can.  It is time for the procedure.
Cue ominous music...
It is ominous.  I could be off line for days.  That would not make me a happy camper.
Side track... I would like to be a camper.  But it looks like it's not gonna happen this year, again.  It just isn't in the cards.  Maybe next year...
I really, really don't want to do this.  It's not just the reformat, I'm changing everything.  Going from Windows to Linux.  But I'm tired of the daily updates, the slow performance, the freezing up and everything that makes working with Max really aggravating.
It is time.
I got out this morning and finished up the alley and took out as much of the grape vine as I could reach.  It's off the wires now.  I did some more weeding.  It wasn't too bad this morning, but it's a hundred some degrees out there now.  I'm done for the day.  Tomorrow is gonna be another hot one, so I figure it's as good a time as any to brainwash Max.
I'm gonna pop a couple of things up here and then be on my merry...

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