Friday, July 8, 2011

The time has come...

For many things....
And if yer an oyster you should beat a hasty retreat.
Headed into day 4, and as usual I'm nowhere near where I wanted to be.
And the time has most assuredly come to brainwash Maxwell.  I'm tired rebooting because the system froze.  I intended to do this last week.  I need to just do it.
It's an approach/avoidance thing.  I need to do it, and I want it done, I just don't want to do it.
It's going to be a big pain in the posterior, and the way my week has been running it's not gonna go smoothly.
But there comes the time when you just have to suck it up and move along...
So I'm in a summing phase.  Trying to finalize all the online stuff, cuz I'm gonna be offline for awhile.
What have I done?
Even though it doesn't seem like it, I did get a lot done.
I put a serious hurt on the weeds in both gardens.  Ya can't tell it from the pictures, cuz there's still more weeds to pull.  But several cart loads have been dumped on the compost pile.  I've moved tomato plants, re-staked several plants and fixed the fence, again.

The view from sitting on the back steps:

I moved the refrigerator.
I didn't move it far.  Really I just turned it.

It used to face this way, into the kitchen:

Now it faces toward the back door:

I like it better this way.  All the clutter is centralized on that one wall.  It's easier to get to the back door.  I started out with it this way and I can't remember why I turned it.
While I was doing that I scrubbed the walls, cabinets, and shelves.  I swept and mopped.  I scrubbed and bleached all the trash cans and the step stools, too.
I took the rug out and cleaned it...
I will never, never have carpet again, not if I can help it.  I remember when I took up the living carpeting, back when I first started working on the house.  There was enough dirt under there to build a small country.  Getting that up and out was as much of a chore as taking the carpet out.
I sweep and vacuum almost daily.  The rug in the kitchen has only been down a few months.  I shake it out at least once a week, and then it gets swept and vacuumed.
And still the dirt trapped in that thing was amazing.

Unfortunately, the rest of the house is a mess, cuz I pulled all the yard sale carp out.  One way or another it is going to go.  I've got too much crap stacked all over the place.

I harvested a nice bunch of radishes from the garden:

I wrote something every day this week.  Even though that took time from other things.
I finished the Peanut Gallery pages, it took 2 to cover them all.

This week Dusty's delusions of being a lap dog are even stronger.  She just can't understand why I don't want her sitting on me.  I don't understand what has gotten into that dog.  I didn't hold her on my lap when she was a puppy.  I learned that lesson with Stonzie.  Yet, she still wants to crawl into my lap and gets hurt when I push her off.  I love the dog, but 65 pounds is a little too much.

She also got a taste of freedom this week.  They got out the other day, still not sure how.  The lady next door put them back into the yard.  She said they went back in with no fuss.
A little while later Dusty made a break for it and took off down the street.  Luckily she ran into another fenced yard a few houses down and catching her was easy.  But then I had to walk her back the whole long way and she kept flopping on the ground.  As if being submissive then was really gonna do her a lot of good.  I was not happy with her.

Poor old Luna dog did not have a good 4th.  She was glued to me the entire day.  I went out Monday night and watched some of the fireworks from the park, I can see the high ones from the back yard, and she was fit to be tied.  She didn't want to be outside and she didn't want to stay in if I was out there.  Lucky for here we only had a couple days of fireworks this year.

Anya found a new 'where no cat has gone before' spot:

I can pretty much guarantee no cat has been in that fish tank before.  I'll have to confirm with Chuck before the ruling is official, though.

The laundry is done.  Dishes are clean, and I dusted a lot.
It's been a fair 4 days.  I won't say it's been great cuz I have a running klutz problem.  it seems everything I touch ends up on the floor, under something.  I must look like a Keystone Cops routine out in the yard.  I try to lean a shovel or a rake against something and it falls over, I go to pick something up and it slips through my fingers.  I even stepped on the rake and whaped myself in the back of the head the other day.
I'm ready for that to end now.

We'll have to see how the reformat goes...

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