Sunday, July 17, 2011

Crossing over...

Well, Max survived.
I'm back online, and that's about it.  It's whole new ball of wax and I have no clue what I'm doing.  So far the system seems stable.  I figured out why none of the passwords were working, and they're working now.  I've logged back into & bookmarked my most visited sites.
I still need to add the F drive, the printer, and all the hardware back in, and still need to check the Roku player and reset that.
But it's all brand, spanking new.
And I'm feeling a little lost.
I know it sounds silly but this is really a life altering thing for me.  This is the final nail in the coffin of my old life.  For the last 8 years, I've been living A.S., After Steve.  With the switch of operating systems I have changed everything that he had any direct bearing on.
I'm living in a new house.  That's been going on for almost the entire 8 years, so not a recent alteration.
The car is gone.  That's not a recent alteration either.
None of the animals in the family now ever knew Steve.  That link passed with Stonzie, she was the last.
The job I started the year he passed is gone.
With this radical alteration of the computer the last of his influence is gone.  I loaded XP because that's what Steve would have chosen.  He might have chosen to switch to Linux at some point, if he was here.  But it's not something he even thought about.
All vestiges of my old life are now burned away.
And I'm OK with that.
I mean, I kinda hafta be OK with that, don't I?  It's not something you really get much choice over, really.  What good would it do me to not be OK with it?  I mean, the bridges are burned and there ain't no way of going back...
Well, I could try reloading XP...
But I don't think I'll be doing that anytime soon.
So, here it is, the first day of the rest of my life...
And I have absolutely no clue of what I'm doing, beyond getting out of bed in the morning.
I've been doing OK with that.  Dusty kinda takes care of that, the minute I move in the morning she's a total pest until she goes out and gets food, and then we have to play 'the other side of the door' all day.  Cuz no matter which side of the door she's on it's only good for just so long.
Well, I know that most of this day is going to devoted to getting Maxwell set up and back up to speed...

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