Sunday, July 10, 2011

Long hot day

And now I'm just in a pissy mood.
I understand the pissy mood when I came in from mowing the yard.  I was tired of my cloths sticking to me, and I still have the alley to do.  I have a double lot, mowing my yard is like mowing 2 ordinary yards.  I try to alternate days, usually.  But this time it all needed to be mowed.  The through soaking twice this week did wonders for everything out there, even the weeds.
But, I took a shower, I'm cool, and I'm still in a pissy mood.
And now I'm pissed at the general stupidity over global warming...
Ahhh, yes, it's a good night.
Not that I think a hot, humid day in St. Louis, in the middle of July, is a sign of a warming globe.  If that were the case the world started warming before I was born.  Long before.
But it doesn't take a very observant scan of headlines to tell that something is seriously FUBAR with our wonderful little world.  A massive oil dump in the gulf, due to, and aggravated, by blind corporate greed.  Is followed by another massive oil dump in the Yellowstone river.
We still have no clear idea how these things affect the environment.
And yet we blunder blindly on drilling, piping, and burning.
Species are disappearing at an alarming rate.
Yes, I know that nothing last forever and all species will disappear at some point.
I also know that mass extinction events are not a good thing.
Then we have Sununu singing the praises of fracking and talking about the 'victory'.

'In New York, rhetoric came face to face with hard facts. Despite decades of use, fracking fluids - which typically contain small amounts of acids, anti-microbials, petroleum distillates, and other chemicals - have never been found to contaminate groundwater.'

Checking out Wikipedis we find this:

EPA administrator Lisa Jackson, recently told Congress that there have been no "proven cases where the fracking process itself has affected water."''

and farther down the page:
We get a discussion of all the studies he is glossing over, because the contamination had not been, definitively, proven to have come fracking.
And then this little nugget comes to light:

'Methane contamination has been a common complaint among people who live near natural gas drilling areas. In 2009, a Propublica investigation revealed that methane contamination is widespread, "methane related to the natural gas industry has contaminated water wells in at least seven Pennsylvania counties since 2004".'[47] Because of this contamination, several homes have blown up after gas seeped into their water supplies; there have been reports of house explosions in Pennsylvania and Ohio.[48][49] In one case in 2004, a methane leak caused an explosion that killed a couple and their 17 month old grandson.'

It's not fraking liquid contaminating groundwater...
Oh, and he's also feeding you a line about what is in fracking liquid.  Seems the companies doing the fracking don't want to talk about that...
He's also not saying that fracking, appears to cause earth tremors, and it uses a LOT of water.
Water is a finite resource.  If you don't know remember how the system works talk to your kids.  It's taught in grade school science class.
And there we have it, another corporate cock and bull.
I could go on, but it's late and I'm tired.

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