Thursday, September 29, 2011

This is cool....

Just when I was thinking I'd have to spend more time on the phone with Clear, the refund showed up.  I returned the modem to Clear last week.  I was gonna call them about the refund when I got off work today, was expecting to have to fight them for the money.  Good news is, the refund is in!  This is cool.  They did live up to their word.  So Clear will honor their money back policy, you just have to cancel within 30 days and wait a while.
Well that's one thing off my to do list.  Which is good, cuz it's rather a long list.  Con countdown is nearing it's end and I've still got a lot to do.
The first day of work was good.  This job will either get me in shape, or kill me.  Lot's of lugging stuff up and down steps.  But I don't have to mess with the public, which is a big plus.  Yesterday they had me playing with china.  That was rather freaksome.  Kept worrying that I'd break something.  But I merchandised 2 displays of plates, cups, and stuff and didn't chip or break anything.
Dusty is heading into her third day out of the cage.  So far so good.
Well I've gotta hit the road...

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