Friday, September 30, 2011

The Morning of Con.

Which is not a Con. morning.  Those are completely different.
This is the morning of Con.  Which is a special thing all by itself.  Con. prep has been in full swing for 2 weeks now, on E & J's part, mostly.  I started working on the T.A.R.D.S costume over a month ago.  Since the critical fails on that front, I've been working intensively on the cape for a little over a week.  But I've been over there working on the belt, and helping out where I can.
Con. prep is a year long thing, really.  Intensity of activity depends on the costume.  Last year I was putting the finishing touches on the Umbridge costume and packing at this point in time.  This year I'm working on the cape.
And it's almost done.  I wrestled with the hem till the wee hours.  The first pinning was way to high.  It would have inspired high water jokes.  So I had to mark the hem all by myself.  It's not easy to set a hem on something when yer wearing it.  I always have trouble with hems anyway.
It looks good in theory, section by section on the table, with the bulk of it trying to slither off the other side....
I really needed a bigger work space for this project.  Would have been much easier to do if I could have laid the whole thing out flat at some point.  The table I have won't even accommodate a quarter of it at a time.  Made things very difficult.  The cape is heavy and it was always sliding off the table.  I don't have a full length mirror so I'm judging the final product on what I can see with it hanging on the back of a door, spread out on the bed, or looking down while I have it on.  A dress makers dummy would be very helpful.
It's far from perfect, but it's done.  I'm gonna throw it in the wash.  It spent a lot of time on the floor it needs a good washing.  It seems to move well, I can walk in it with out stepping on it.  Will have to wait and see how much other people step on it.

I was planning on pinning it on, have a neat necklace bit that will make a good pin, if I can get the backing to stay on it.  that became a problem about 2am this morning.  That's when I decided to go to bed....
I still have to wrok with the pin and see if I can get it to work.  Failing that I'll have to find an interesting button and do some more hand sewing....
I'm also working on a garter for the dagger.  I wasn't going to mess with the dagger this year, but I had an idea last night....
Still need to do something about a bag....  I started on an idea the other day, but it's not panning out...
And I have to run to Wally world for dog food.
I'm waiting on the Macy's check to pop up in my account right now.  I'm supposed to be getting paid for last week, but it's not there yet.
As usual, the morning of Con. and it's chaos.....
But, it's all good.

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