Tuesday, September 20, 2011

There's problems here...

This started out as a reply to Pardu's excellent diary '"Classism" and the Death of Middle America'.  But I realize that I'm straying from the point and it's getting to long for a reply...
We've been giving the rich tax breaks for going on 10 years now and the country is worse off than it was before they went into effect.  So I still don't see how anyone can continue to support the idea that tax breaks for the rich are good for the nation.  The Bush tax cuts have not created any jobs.
Look at the unemployment figures, and then argue that point.
Corporate execs and CEOs get to keep more of the money and this country slides deeper and deeper into the pit.  If we don't collect more revenue we don't have the money to spend on... anything.  Education is in the crapper, our roads and infrastructure are crumbling, policemen, firemen, and teachers are out of work.  Where is all the hyped good that the Bush tax breaks have brought us?
And now we're supposed to cut support programs that thousands depend on for simple survival so that the execs and CEOs can keep even more money?  How is that going to help?
And computer terminals report some gains in the values of copper and tin
While American businessmen snap up Van Goghs
For the price of a hospital wing
That line is from a song published back in 1990.  Is it any less true now?  Is there some magic number that will suddenly turn the tide of greed?  Do you honestly think that any of the money men are going to wake up tomorrow and think 'Hey I've got 5 houses, it's time to start giving back to the community'?
I think they'll wake up tomorrow and buy another Van Gogh to hang on the wall of a house they don't live in.
More tax breaks for the rich and corporations are not going to help anyone but the rich and the corporations.
HCHRISTE brought up the issue of outsourcing.  Which works for the corporations because they don't have to pay a living wage in 3rd world countries.  There's no regulations in 3rd world countries.  It's all good for the corporations.  So they want to bring home the 3rd world conditions.  They want to pay people here the same non-living wages they pay there.  They want to wreck the same ecological destruction here that they wreck there.
Let's drop minimum wage to $3 bucks an hour.
Let's get rid of the EPA and OSHA.
Let's give them what they want.
And we can all live in a world where the price of clean drinking water will fuel more corporate profits and the common rabble can breath toxic fumes while they work 24 hours a day for the benefit of their superiors...
What we should be doing, here, at home, is making it less profitable for corporations to out source.  We should be making the corporations pay to fix the ecological damage they've inflicted on the 3rd world.  We should figure out some way of raising the living standard of the 3rd world.
Along with that, we should revamp welfare and the other support programs so that only those that truly can't work get a free ride.  Instead of just handing out free money, there should be some control of where that money goes.  If you are able-bodied and healthy there should be some sort of work requirement for the money.  FDR's Civilian Conservation Corps worked wonders for this country.  Something like that, along with training programs could do a lot for us right now.
We should clean our government house.  But instead of cutting vital services we should be looking to cut redundancy and waste.  We should be looking to reduce cronyism and pork.  We should be looking to take profit out of government.  We should be looking at cutting salaries and perks.  Let's get rid of the lobbyists, let's put some limits on campaign money.  Let's restrict media messages, get rid of the sound bites, spins, and false information.  Let's bring government back to the service of the people, instead of the control of the people.

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