Friday, September 2, 2011

Poor Oz

I've been messing with some new scrapbooking software.  Which we'll talk about in detail in a bit.

And I've been searching for pictures to use in a couple of projects.  I went looking for pictures of all the animals alone, just one animal in the picture.  I had to go back over a year to find one of just Oz.  Which leads me to consider, am I ignoring him?
I've got plenty of pictures of all the animals solo, doing cute things, and I've got pictures of Oz with others, but not many of just him.  Which could imply a lack of attention on my part.
After all Oz, like his name sake, is a very low key, mellow kinda of guy.  He's not as demanding as Dusty, as needy as Luna, or as annoying as Anya.  Oz is a confirmed indoor kitty, so he's not sitting on the steps with me in the evening, like Ashron.  I visit with Bird while I'm working on the computer.  Oz is too big to sit comfortably on my lap when I'm working.
But, Oz is my most active snuggle buddy.  Now that there's someplace comfortable to sit in the living room, he's a very happy camper.  He's already learned that sitting next to me, rather than on me, is the way to go.  Cuz even if I sit down to watch TV, I'm not gonna stay down.  There's always some reason to pause the program and move.  If he sits next to me, I'm not constantly throwing him off.  But if he's within arms reach, I will pet him.
He's, usually, next to me when I wake up in the morning.  But he's not pushy like Ashron.  Ash wants to sleep on or in my face.  Oz curls up a few inches away, so I don't always notice him.  He, like the dogs, moves the minute that I do.  But, unlike the dogs, he doesn't pester me till I get out of bed.  He goes and sits on the dryer.  He sits on the dryer and waits till I let the dogs out and then he says good morning.  He gets a scratch or a good petting, depending on how awake I am.  Come to think of it, lately he's been hanging out on top of the dryer a lot, and he's there when I come in, or when I'm playing the-other-side-of-the-door with Dusty.  So, I guess, he does get his fair share of attention.  He's just so laid back, I don't notice it as much.
I'll have to remember to take more pictures of him.

While we're in the subject of the Peanut Gallery...

Dusty, silly goof that she is, ran face first into the trash bin Wednesday.
I have no sympathy for her.  It's a huge, red thing.  If she can't watch where she's going, it's her own fault.
There's no permanent injury.  It did slow her down, for about 10 seconds.

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