Thursday, September 29, 2011

Con Countdown....

We have entered the final round of Con countdown.  This time tomorrow we will be on Con time.  Which, as you all know, moves in mysterious ways.  Con is one of the few places in my world that still has magic in it.  I'll get to see people I haven't seen in at least a year.  I've already seen people that I haven't seen in a year.  C & M got into town yesterday afternoon.  We sat around the kitchen table swilling coffee and laughing.
There have been a couple of costume accidents.  The staff for C's Moody costume was pretty much destroyed by Fedex.  It got to E & J's on Tuesday in five pieces.  Luckily C found a place on line that can ship a new one and have it here today or tomorrow.  I'm not sure, I don't remember when it was supposed to come in and I haven't talked to anyone over there tonight.  It will be here for Con.  M & C are repeating their costumes from last year as Mad-Eye Moody and Minerva MoGonagal.  Moody's wand arrived yesterday and the staff should be here in time.
J & E are doing a big splash this year with the ballroom costumes from Labyrinth.

These will be in serious contention for the Hall Way costume contest.  They decided not to enter the Masquerade.  They didn't want to devote the time it takes to compete in the Masquerade.

J made Jareth's costume and J's mom made the dress for Sarah.  I've seen Jareth's costume.  E's been beading it for the last week.  This thing has some serious bling to it.  It's gonna look good.  E finally found the perfect wig.  The Jacket is done.  Everything is ready to go.  Except Cosplay shipped him 2 left boots.  They got here late yesterday.  There's another place out in Cal. that's shipping another pair, hopefully not exact matches, unless they are the right ones, by tomorrow....  Let's all keep our fingers crossed.
I haven't seen the dress since it was a couple of bolts of material.  Haven't gotten an update on status.  Last I heard, last night, there was still some question on the state of the dress.
I will have plenty of pictures at the end of the weekend.
Things are charging now.  Batteries and cameras, they are all sucking up juice as we speak.  I'm doing laundry and packing.  The belt and scabbard are completely finished.  I need to hem the cloak.  Still haven't found or made a camera bag.  Gonna hafta work on that.  I need to dig out the leather lace I dyded last year for the dagger.  The Umbridge costume is ready to go.  I want to clean up a little before leaving.
So I have things to do before I sleep.

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