Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Things made of fail and another beautiful day...

It never occurred to me before, but the first Tuesday of every month is a BAD day for poor ol' Chicken Dog.

The testing of the emergency warning system is not a happy thing for Luna.  It kinda freaked me out that first Tuesday back in July.  I wasn't expecting it.  I wasn't, generally, home during the day on the first Tuesday of the month.  I had forgotten that was a routine thing.
It had slipped my mind that it was the first Tuesday of the month, but this morning when it started I knew what it was, it didn't bother me.  Poor Luna has no idea what is going on.  For her, all hell breaks loose the first Tuesday of every month.  This morning she was plastered to my side the minute it started.  I wonder what she does when I'm not here.  It's gotta suck being a neurotic dog.
Well, this morning she got a cow hoof.  So it wasn't all bad.  When I finally go back to work, I'll have to try and remember that every first Tuesday is a bad day for her.
The job hunt is the first thing made of fail.  No results, yet.  I have gone on 3 interviews, though, so it's a little better than it was.  The first interview, last Thursday, was a total bust.  Drove all the way out to Bridgeton, only to find out the person interviewing had made a mistake.  She was looking for call center help.  She thought I had call center experience, but I don't.  The other 2 interviews went fairly well.  I'm waiting now.  I have another interview tomorrow, and I submitted several more apps today.  I signed up with yet another job search site.  We'll see if that doesn't lead to something.  I've done phone interviews with a couple of the temp agencies, but still haven't heard anything back from them.
Beyond that, nothing much has changed.  I'm going to takes cans in for recycle sometime this week.  But that's not going to be much in the way of income.  I went through and totaled up all the yard sale crap.  Came up with a figure of around $400.  I know the pricing is fair, I put on the stuff what I'd be willing to pay, and I'm cheap.  But income realized from that source depends on weather it sells.  Still debating the layout of $70. for a flea market stall.  Money is getting tight, and that's a gamble.  Which is why I haven't already committed to that course.  I really thought that the job hunt would have turned up something by now, otherwise I would have started out with that right off.  Oh well, live and learn.  I'm still adding stuff to the pile.
Which brings up one of another thing that was made of fail.
My original plan for the desk was to mount 2 sliding keyboard trays that I salvaged from the other house.  I tried mounting them and found out that they are too heavy for the hollow core door I'm using as a desk.  So I'll have to abandon the idea.  I've got no use for them, beyond the one planned, so they go into the yard sale crap.
I'm going to have to abandon my original plan for an Archon costume.  Not really sure I'm even going to go.  I don't have the money to contribute for food and such, unless something changes I may not go.  Weather I go or not, I'm not going to be able to finish the costume I had planned.  I've got it all cut and ready to sew, and I'll probably finish that part of it.  But, I'd still need to buy a wig and boots, and that ain't happening.  Yet another thing hanging in uncertainty...
I've been trying to make a Halfling.  Been trying for a while now.  I got a useable head:

But then I started working on the legs...

And while I was working on those, the ears got knocked off the head.  I was OK with just reattaching the ears, but then I decided he needed an upper lip and I tried to smooth out that divot in his nose ...
It was all down hill from there.  I squished the head, I'll have to start all over.  This time I'm doing the legs first.  Those get baked as soon as they are finished.  So no inadvertent squishing or other problems with them laying around.  I'm working on toes now.  It's not as easy as it sounds.  When he's got legs to stand on, I'll make another head.  I did it once, I can do it again...
The dogs are driving me up the wall with the curtains.  They both like to stand and look out the window, which really messes up the curtains, and totally defeats the purpose of having them.  I'm fixing them multiple times a day.  This is a problem.  I'm gonna sew the panels together so they don't separate at the top.  When I set the sewing machine up again.
Not sure when that will be.
It's another beautiful day.  I need to make up for being a lazy slug the past 2 days.  It's time for some serious yard work now.  It doesn't hurt to kneel, well not as much as it did.  I need to go out and do some weeding and trimming and such.  It's time to mow again.  Today is a good day for yard work.

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