Friday, September 23, 2011

An amazing thing...

The mail has been late most everyday this week.
But, something amazing came in the mail on Wednesday.  Someone, I don't know who cuz they didn't sign the card or put a return address on it, sent me a hefty Walmart gift card.  I have my suspicions as to who it was, but no way of knowing for sure.  I think it might be one, or more, of my former co-workers, who were an amazing bunch of super nice people.  Whoever it was, I hope you are reading this, THANK YOU!!!  This bit of a boost is muchly appreciated and extremely timely, as I have to invest in cloths for the new job.
The dress code at Macy's is all black, with no denim allowed.  I have a couple of shirts that I can wear, but no pants.  This incredible gift will allow me to be properly attired for my real first day of work.
Things are going to be very tight from here on out.  I can only hope that I can get enough hours at Macy's to make my bills.  I will get a small check at the end of next week.  But Macy's is starting out very slowly.  Next week I'll only get 8 hours.  I'm hoping for more the week after.  At $8.00 an hour I'll need at least 30 hours a week to even hope to cover everything.
The job hunt continues, but there has been no more response to all the apps I've put out.  I've listed with two 2 temp companies, but I don't know how that will work out with Macy's, and they haven't called me about anything.
I have listed with a new job board that is generating more leads, and leads on this side of the river, which is good.  The less driving I have to do the better.  Keeping my fingers crossed that somebody will call and I can at least pick up another part time gig that will give me more hours.
As it is I'm already in the hole.  I wasn't able to make the tax payment on the house this month.  So I'm heading into negative numbers.
On the bright side, I guess, I'm not smoking as much.

I took cans and scrap metal in the other day and got a little more cash.  Everybody in the house still has food, and the electric is good for another month, so not all bad.
I'm thinking about renting Dusty out as a squirrel exterminator.  She's real good at it.  Got another one the other day.  She likes to go and sit on the back steps and wait for the stupid things to come into the yard, and they are stupid enough to come into the yard with her sitting there.  I'm not happy about it, but the squirrel population is dropping.  I'm just hoping she doesn't get bit.  I can't be out there with her all the time.
She's agitating to go out right now...
I was told, in no uncertain terms, that my presence was required at Con next weekend.  So I will be going, and I'm gonna try not to worry about the money aspects.  Though gas for the car is going to be a concern.  No matter what it will be fun, and I will enjoy myself.
I'm going with the rouge's costume.  The bodice for the TARDIS costume is giving me fits and dying the lace did not go as planned.  Things just did come together and I don't think I can finish it by next weekend.  I'm almost done with the cape, and last weekend, with J's able help, and donation of the leather and other supplies, I got the belt mostly finished.  I stripped and refinished the scabbard for the short sword, it's black to match the belt.  I'm going to try to make some sort of bag, to carry my camera and such, that will match the costume.  We'll see how that goes...
Still can't get my email to work, not totally.  I have narrowed the problem down to the router.  AT&T is PPPOE and I can't get the router to work with that setting.  Every time I try, it disconnects from the web.  I think it has something to do with the passwords.  It's not AT&T equipment so their tech support can't do anything with it, unless I pay for a service call, and that ain't happening right now.  If I get the time, I'll call Belkin tech support and see what they have to say.  For now, if I disconnect the router I can access email and Facebook.  Maxwell and his connection problems have eaten enough of my time.
And, if I don't find someway of bringing in more money it's all gonna be a moot point.  I'm gonna have to drop Netflix.  After October, I'm not going to have electricity.  Kinda puts things in perspective.
Besides, right now, I need to worry about how to make the payments on the refrigerator.  I've been paying on that for over a year now and I don't want to loose all the money I've already paid into it...
Ah, well such is life.  Things have to get better soon, right?
Now, I'm off to check the other job board and see if there are any more places to apply.  I'm averaging about 5 apps a day.  Something should change soon...

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