Saturday, September 3, 2011

We should all hang our heads in shame....

Man Dies From Toothache, Couldn't Afford Meds

This is not a one off people.
And I wouldn't assume it was due to some sort of character flaw in the victim.
And it's right to call him a victim.  He is one of many victims of the economic war.
Yes, I will continue to call it a war.  Few realize, but we are waging a war for the fate of this country.
And for me, the other side is winning.
Cuz the side that's winning is going for a City in the Sky model.

That looks great, doesn't it?
All nice and utopic, airy and clean.
Till you realize that the majority of the population won't live in that pretty, clean city.
The majority of the population will be living like it was 1927.

Just like Kyle Willis.
And unless you are making a 6 figure income right now, your chances of living in that cloud city are slim.  There are a few in the upper brackets of the middle class that will get in.  But the farther you are from the 6 figures the more remote your chance is.
And your kids won't do any better.
2008 saw the first generation of kids that, likely, will not surpass the living standards of their parents.  At the rate we're going the best you can hope for your kids, is that they maintain the standard of living they grew up with.  Working a minimum wage job and paying $4.00 a gallon for gas that's not gonna be a possibility.
And with corporations and the CEOs sucking the money up, it's not gonna get any better anytime soon.
And now, they are making moves to get rid of minimum wage.  If that happens fewer will be living with the standards they grew up with.
Me personally, I don't want to live in a cloud city, not if someone else has to live in poverty to keep me there.  I'd much rather live a reasonably comfortable life, knowing that the majority of the population of the world is also living a reasonably comfortable, healthy life as well..

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