Monday, October 24, 2011

Early, but it ain't bright...

It's early and I'm already running out of time...
It was a busy weekend.
But, all the tomatoes have been washed and sorted.  Those that have a hope of turning red are in a box or a bag.  The rest are ready for processing into fried, roasted, or pickled treats.  This is the first year that I'm trying to use up the green tomatoes.  In prior years I've just given them away.  This year we're going to experiment and see what happens.
I made about $30 bucks off the yard sale, which isn't too good.  But it's very good considering that I had no traffic at all.  Only about 10 people stopped.  I got enough for a tank of gas, though.
Next week I'm gonna go out to the flea market.  If the stuff doesn't sell there it's going to Goodwill on the way home.  I am not bringing all that stuff back into the house.  It just ain't happening.  I like having space at the end of the bed.
It really sucks to be working and still unable to pay the bills or put gas in the car.
Well, my time is up for now.  I gotta get dressed and start moving....

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