Monday, November 7, 2011


Is starting.  I know it's the 7th of November, but fall is only now getting under way.  The 17th of October was the first day to really feel like fall and that was followed by some 80 degree days.
The first part of October was a beautiful Indian Summer around here.  Bright, breezy, and warm.  I've still got some flowers blooming in the garden.  The roses have really liked this part of the year, and seem to be doing OK, even now there are still some buds about to open.  Don't know how much longer they'll last though.  The weather is anything but stable right now.  The heater has kicked on here and there, but it's been off more than on.  Wasn't that long ago that I had the AC on.  
But, to paraphrase Jeff Foxworthy:  You might live in the middle of the U.S. if you've ever gone from the heater in the morning to the air conditioner in the afternoon, back to the heater at night...
October was that kind of month.  Though there have been quite a few days when I've had the windows open and nothing running.
It's been a productive few days.  I've made some progress on the window frames.  I started working on them a while back.  Cleaning, caulking, painting etc...  It's been a sporadic project.  I baked yesterday, corn bread in the morning and pork chops last night.  That's the last of the pork chops, they were good while they lasted.  I finished the living room move about a week ago.  The movie collection is organized and reduced in bulk.  I know where everything is and I can get to it all.  The couch is away from the front windows and I think that the curtains will be much safer now.  I'm happy with the relocation.  This arrangement leaves a lot more of the space open and is much more flexible.  I can throw up the table and just leave it with out having it out in the middle of everything.  There will still be room to move.
And, shades of Post Traumatic stress kicking in, I like the placement of the couch much better.  I now have a solid wall at my back and clear sight lines into the rest of the house.  Funny how I don't really notice that in myself until I correct something that makes me uncomfortable.  I'm much more relaxed sitting in the living room now.
And the animals seem to be happy with the move....

Been busy lately.  Worked about 33 hours last week, which was a very good thing.
I spent the 28th and 29th helping friends get ready for a Halloween party.  It was a fun party, had a good time.
On the 29th, that was a Saturday, Dusty took a powder.  I opened the back door to find a stray dog in the yard.  A big stray dog.  He'd knocked the back gate off the hinges.  When I opened the door he took off the way he came in, and of course, Dusty was right behind him.  I got out to the alley in time to see her disappearing into the distance.
Not a good feeling there.
Dusty is not a stupid dog, but she's a big goof.  I'm not sure she realizes that cars are really dangerous, and I don't know if she could find her way back home.
I was in the car a few minuets later and on the hunt.  Luckily she didn't get too far.  I found her about 4 blocks away, looking really lost.
Then, that afternoon, she ate one of my Moccasins and I really wondered why I had bothered to hunt her down...
She's been out of the cage for most of the last month, but I can't put it away yet.  She earned time in the cage last week when I came home and found paper Armageddon in the living room.  She pulled one of the files of owners manuals off the shelf under the desk.  She's really lucky it was an old file with manuals I didn't really need anymore.
Ah well, for all the grief my animals cause, I still love them.
I still miss Anya.
And this weekend I buried Bird.
His passing wasn't completely unexpected.  He had been sick for over a month.  I gave him 2 rounds of antibiotics, but they didn't do any good.  At least he's not suffering anymore.
I really miss his cheerful chatter.

RIP: Bird ?- Nov. 5, 2011

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