Friday, October 14, 2011

I don't like being back here....

I got paid today, and I'm still broke.  This living paycheck to paycheck and juggling pocket change to cover expenses, running with the car on fumes all the time, paying bills by the shutoff notice, sucks.  I really don't like being back here.  The day is quickly coming when I will have more shut off notices than money.
Last month's water bill is paid, the refrigerator is mine for 4 more weeks, the car is insured, and the animals have food.  Can't get much more mileage out of the bank account right now.  Keeping fingers crossed that gas will last till next Friday.  I'm all out of change and there aren't enough cans to turn in yet.
At least I had a taste of what it's like to have enough money to cover bills every month.  There was a short while there when working one job was enough to keep me going...
The job hunt has stalled a bit.  Macy's has upped my hours a trifle.  Adapting to that, and other things, the last couple of weeks has side tracked the search.  But I got a notice from Ashley furniture yesterday, informing me that they were perusing other candidates.
I interviewed with them over a month ago.
Come on guys, if you aren't going to follow up in a more timely fashion, save yourself some money and don't follow up at all.  Like I'm gonna sit on my ass for a month and just wait for that letter....
Move on, I already have.
And in moving on...
Please, all you lazy ass people who don't really want to work...
If you aren't going to show up on time for the job once you get it, don't even bother wasting everybody's time and applying.  I haven't worked a day at this job yet when at least 3 people were late.  Why anybody puts up with it I don't know.  There have been several people on my shift who haven't shown up on scheduled days, that are still working there.  I don't get that.  Used to be, you didn't show up, didn't call, you got canned.
Heard one of the higher ups say the other day that they were annoyed with the people claiming to need a job and then not showing up when they had it.
I can sympathize with that opinion.  Realize that it costs money for some company just to hire you.  It's a waste all around if you don't show up when you get the job.
And I could really use the hours these people aren't showing up for.  I find it very annoying to hear my supervisor, and others, talking about people who were scheduled and didn't show for shifts that I could have worked.
I also find it annoying that half the people I work with move at half speed.  You are paid to work, not stand around and flirt and shot the shit.
All right, I'm done with the mini-rant.
Luna, Chicken Dog, has developed a phobia about the kitchen.  I still haven't figured out what is causing the problem.  She's OK heading towards the back door.  But coming back into the house has become a difficult thing.  Since it's the same bit of house both ways and nothing has changed in that area in months and this only started a couple of weeks back, I've got no idea what is bothering her.  I've moved several things around.  But nothing has helped.  She still finds it a stressful thing to come in from the back door.  Since she willingly follows me to the back door every time I let Dusty in or out, or when I move laundry or go into the utility room, this is a problem...
But it's one she has to deal with herself.  I can't move anything else in that area.  The refrigerator is, hopefully, not moving, and there's nowhere else to put the stove.  So, she just has to deal.  I ignore when she's back there whining.  She eventually makes a mad dash.
It's October, and I've been digging through my collection and scanning Netflix for Hammer and American International horror films.  You know, the ones that used to play on the Saturday night creature feature.  The ones staring the likes of Vincent Price, Boris Karloff,  and Peter Lorrie.  It's that time of year...

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