Monday, August 8, 2011

Monday, Monday....

Ahh yes, another Monday.
I'm fairly sure it's not gonna be all I hope it could be.
But ya never know....
The new folder in the e-mail is filled with all the jobs I've applied to, and still nothing positive to report on that front.  The bills are paid and I've got money in the checking account.  But, that's not gonna last long.
I started sorting Pokemon cards to see if there are any that will bring in a little cash.  I don't think there's really all that much income in the cards though.  Most of them are commons in pretty poor shape.  But it's worth a try.
So far I've gotten all of $.01 off the blog ads.  Whoo hoo!!
I'm not sure what I'll be doing today.  I've got work to do in the yard, as usual.  It's time to mow the lawn, again.  The house is fairly clean, but I could stand to run the vacuum.  I'm not moving too quickly right at the moment.  But I'm out of bed and moving, so there's hope.
I need to run out and get some Cayenne pepper.  The squirrels have been laying into the tomatoes pretty hard and the war has started.  But that's a subject for another blog...
The switch back to Windows is not going well.  I think I need to start all over, before I go too far into the setup.  But, I'm not in the mood for it right now.  I'm a little frustrated on that front.  Yesterday I installed the service pack 3 and got a warning that I've never seen before.  Seems after the installation something went wrong.  When I rebooted I got a message that Windows had been shut down to protect my computer.  finally had to go into safe mode and uninstall the service pack.  Everything seems to be running all right, but that makes me nervous.  Don't know if I want to stick with it or start all over from the reformat.  Right now Maxwell is up and running and back online.  The thought of restarting from scratch, again, is not all that appealing.  But it might be better than to proceed with an unstable system.  It's a dilemma that I'll wrestle with later.  Need to go over to the Microsoft site and see what it says about the service pack.
I've been washing material for sewing projects.  I'm gonna work on a practice cape first.  Got some black broadcloth and some inexpensive satin for the first run.  The broadcloth is not the most ideal material for a cape, but it's cheap and if I'm gonna mess something up, I'd rather not waste a lot of money.  Since this is the first thing beyond sample stitches and such, it's better safe than sorry.  I think the satin will give it a good drape.  Right now, I don't really have a good place to do the pinning and cutting.  I'm looking at a blanket on the floor as my best bet.  But clearing up that much floor space ain't gonna be the easiest thing.  My finger is still bothering me, so I'm not in a great hurry to start messing with it.
The dogs have been pests this morning.  They're both playing the other side-of-the-door quite actively, and wrestling on my bed, which they both know they're not supposed to do.  Maybe it's time to go out and do some yard work and let them wear themselves out.
Anyway, I'm burning daylight, so it's time to make some decisions... 

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