Monday, August 22, 2011

Saying goodbye...

To the fish sheet!!

When I moved in a year and 3 months ago I didn't have a couch or anything to cover the big front window.

What I did have was a twin bed frame...

For various reasons I didn't want to keep the couch that was left here.  So I decided to keep the frame and get a new mattress for it.  I found a couple of mattress for about $100, and I was going to get one of them, but a twin mattress is not something you can bring home on a bus, and arranging for transport never panned out.
The only thing I had big enough to cover the front window were a couple of old sheets.  So, for the past year I've lived with the bed frame as little more than a catch all for the yard sale junk and the Fish sheet covering the window.

I bought curtains back in January, when Walmart had the ones I liked on sale.  The plan was to tie dye some old sheers that I had and hang the curtains.  But I could just never work up the motivation for tearing the living room apart.  Without some place comfortable to sit, there didn't seem much point.
I was closer to motivated when I started pulling out the yard sale stuff.  But with nothing to keep the dogs from bouncing around on the bed board there really was no point in going further.
Well last week, a friend of a friend gave me the motivation, and a twin mattress.  Finally things came together.  Someone wanted to get rid of a mattress, free for the taking, and I had the means to go and take it.
I spent this weekend working on the living room.  I finished sorting all the yard sale junk, dragged it all out from under and on the bed.  I tie died the sheers.  I dismantled and cleaned the living room and hung the curtains and put the mattress on the bed.  So now, after living here for a year and 3 months, I have a living room.

And it is really kinda cool.

I like the effect of the sun shining through the curtains.

It makes the front room way brighter and it's much more comfortable.

Everybody agrees.

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