Friday, August 26, 2011


Although, for me, it don't really mean much.  But I'm with all you wage slaves in spirit.

I did get a response from a place I applied to almost a month ago.  They regretted to inform me that the position had been filled.  But, hey, at least it's something.  Was beginning to think that all the apps were going off into the ether twilight zone.
It's been a long month.  A long couple of months, what with the swapping of operating systems, loading and unloading programs, messing with the Office stuff, switching of internet providers and such.
Yeah, last week I switched from Charter to Clear.  Clear's set up is way easier than Charter.  They sent me the modem and I set everything up.  Didn't need a technician to come out.  Which was cool.  It's gonna save me about $20 bucks a month.
I've been having trouble with Charter.  I was losing signal anywhere from 1 to 5 hours every week.  It was happening most often during the work day, so before I got laid off I probably just never noticed it.  But, since the internet is now a very large part of my day, which I'm happy with, not having it was a problem.
I am happy that most of the application process has moved online.  I don't have to drive to the various places to apply.  Saves a lot of gas and time.
2 weeks back from Friday to Saturday my internet was down more than it was up.  Call Charter and they give you a message about a problem in the area.  Get through to a person and they say there's no problem, lets reset the modem...
Go through all that and still no improvement.  Monday and Tuesday it was in and out all day.  I couldn't get anything done.  So I called and signed up with Clear.
The switch went fairly well.  I had signal problems Tuesday morning, though.  The verdict is still out.  That, and I can't get Netflix to work. consistently.  I think it might help to move the router, but I don't have a long enough cable right now.
So last week I spent time tearing the office apart and moving cables and wires and installing a new modem.  I reorganized the desk while I was at it.  It's not all totally back together, I still want to move the router, but I have to get a cable for that.  I cleaned out a lot of old files and threw a lot more stuff away.  Then I redid the living room.
Then, last Sunday, I lazed around all day, enjoying my new living room.

My girls, enjoying the couch
We all like the living room.  Oz has discovered that there's enough room for comfortable snuggling, and takes every opportunity.

Unfortunately, the advent of the couch has strengthened Dusty's lap dog delusions.  She's getting used to the idea of snuggling next to me, but she doesn't like it.  She really wants to drape herself across my lap.  Still can't convince her that she's just too big.
And, of all things, Stupid Dog figured out that she can bark out the window now.
And then she introduced Dusty to the pleasures of barking out the window.  We've been having conversations about that for the last couple of days.
Being a bed there's no back or arms, and that is a slight problem.  I've got ideas on how to fix that problem.  But, that will have to wait until I have some sort of income.
I'm working on that.  I'm gonna start trying some more active internet marketing.  I'm checking into merchandising and demo jobs.  Next week I start applying to the temp companies.  I don't really want to go there, but there's not much choice.  I'm moving into the panic zone.  I need to turn up something soon.
But I can still pay the bills for next month and there will be money left for food and gas.  So not all bad.
This weekend I think I'm gonna do some sewing.  I want to make curtains for the shelves in the kitchen and the cloak is all cut and ready to sew.  Next I start cutting for my Archon costume.
I've got some plants to plant, I'm gonna do that tomorrow morning.  I think I've decided where to put them.
Right now, I'm gonna go work on an entry for the garden blog.  I've been neglecting that all month.
Hope everybody has a great weekend.

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