Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Things my government never told me 2

Before we start talking about Who.
Let's look at a little more of the What...

You are being watched.  You should be aware of that fact.  Everything you do online, every site you visit, is logged, somewhere.  Unless you are a moderately advanced hacker, there's nothing you can do about it.
And I suspect, that to go totally unobserved you have to be a pretty advanced hacker.
With the advent of the computer, just about everything people do is tracked in some manner.
So, you have to wonder....

This is a segment from a Nova special called 'The Spy Factory'.  It's a fascinating little look into the halls of power.  You really should check it out.  You can get the whole thing, broken into nice, manageable little bits over on YouTube, or you can stream the whole program from Netflix or Amazon.

Now, let's think rationally, as difficult as that might be, cuz it seems to have escaped our government, but let's give it a try...
If you need to monitor the digital info from Asia, and the sheer volume is a problem, why do you wait till that traffic merges with domestic traffic before you tap it?  The most logical place to tap it would be one of the two stations before this.
And if all you are interested in is foreign traffic, how come there are 15-30 of these stations around the country?
And what good does all this data collection do if you don't use the information properly?
Mark Rossini was a FBI liaison to the CIA who was ordered not to pass along the information that 2 of Osama bin Laden's associates were in the U.S., months before the 9/11 attacks.  He also points out, that reasonably, there was more than enough evidence to get a warrant for surveillance of these 2 men.  FISA would not have been a problem.  If they had even bothered to try for a warrant.
If you put the information from 'The Spy Factory' together with the following....

You get enough evidence to raise some serious questions.
Follow the timeline of what happened after 9/11 and watch where the money went, and is still going, and you get more than enough motive to just ignore something that serves a disturbing agenda.
This isn't the only information that I have gathered that points to that disturbing agenda.  This is just some of the stuff that raises red flags for me.
Here I will point you to another bit of info. that keeps those flags flying:
Dick Cheney: What is the Price of Failure?  By The Pardu,  one of my fellow posters on Left Take.
We all know that the government lied about WMD in Iraq.  Why we continue to ignore that fact baffles me.
Why hasn't George W. Bush and/or Dick Cheney not been charged with perjury?
Why did we have to have civilian contractors involved in the war?
Why wasn't anybody regulating the bad business practices of the housing and finical markets?
I have lot's of questions.
And I don't really like the answers that I'm finding.
With this evidence of deceit and omission, I really have to wonder just what else are they lying about?
And what else aren't they telling us?

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