Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Painting Hubert...

Remember Hubert?

Hubert is my first Gnome.  I painted him the other night.  Making Hubert was an exorcise with an eye to future occupation.  The plan was to make Hubert with what I had on hand and see how he did.
When I started painting I wasn't happy that all I had were jewel tones...
I used pearl white for his shirt and eyes, and I mixed 5 drops white with 1 drop gold for his skin.

My options for hair and beard where a couple of flat browns or jewel tone red.

Of course I went red.

He is the head of his clan, so, of course, he got a gold hat.

I think he turned out OK.  I actually like the sparkle.  Hubert did well in test marketing.  He got quite a few smiles.

Evil Hubert.  First Gimp project?  Find a fire or a cauldron....
It's something to think about.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Avoiding work part 2...

Well, I'm not really avoiding work as getting a slow start. Still drinking coffee. Usually I would be watching the good Doctor right about now, but we're in the summer break.
So, I'm sitting here drinkin coffee and typing.
I have been sucked into 'The Ten Doctors' comic, read a bit of it yesterday. Would love to see this as a full length movie. It could be done with computer animation and as many of the actual actors as possible. Something of this sort needs to be done before we loose any more of them. So far the story has been really good.
It's a pleasant drippy morning and I do want to get out in the yard, I'm just not ready to move yet.

I've got a new shirt to load into the Cafe Press store:

But I really don't feel like paying attention to technical stuff. Cafe Press has changed since the last time I uploaded something and I'm not in the mood to deal with it right now.
Think I'll head on over and read more of 'The Ten Doctors'...

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Avoiding work...

And surfing the net. I found this:

It's a bit of fan produced Dr Who and it's pretty good. The art work is better than average, the writing is witty, the voices are at least close, and they got Rose and Ace spot on.
I'll be looking for more.

And, a great bit from Dr Who Confidential. A cool mix of old and new. Gives you some perspective:

And looking for more, I found the sight with the full comic 'The Ten Doctors'. So I'll have something to read in my free time.

OK, reading further in 'The Ten Doctors' I have to strengthen my recommendation. This is very well done. The 3Rd and the 7Th doctor taking the 9Th to task for the shaved head and the leather is brilliant! I'm looking forward to reading the whole thing. Check it out.

Friday, June 24, 2011


If you don't like change, then you are not going to have a happy life. I was just looking at the The House album over on Picasa and I realize that the place has come a long way. It's slowly starting to take on the look and the feel of MY house. It's still a far cry from my grand vision, but it's getting there.
I was looking over the notes that I wrote to Steve in the bitter cold of January of 2003...
And I realize how far I've come since then. It is surprising to find myself here, in 2011 on the cusp of major change, again. When I was 16, 20, 32 I truly thought I'd be dead before 40.
And I was OK with that. Really. Life hadn't been all that big a blast before then, what would I miss?
Beyond my time with Steve, not really all that much. Since 2003, I've moved, been displaced by a house fire, lived homeless, moved, moved, and moved again.
I've put a lot of work into this place, hopefully this it. (I was gonna say that this better be it, but issuing that kinda of challenge to my Trickster god is not a wise move. I will say hopefully and bow before the unknown.)
It hasn't all been bad, don't get me wrong. I've had a lot of fun in the last 8 years. Archon was fantastic last year. I'm lookin forward to this year, even if it is in Collinsville. I have fun friends and I don't get to spend much time with them.
And, I'm rather proud of my garden. It ain't much, but I did it all myself. (If you wanna see the garden, check out Gorilla Gardening, my other blog. That one has more pictures.)
And, even Stupid dog is growing on me.
But would I trade all that for more time with Steve?
In a heartbeat.
One of the few things that kept me going through all that was my job. I liked my job. People weren't yelling at me all the time and the work was the right mix of easy to challenging. But, most of all the people were just plain nice. It paid enough to scrape by and even get some fun things, like the camera. It was just getting to the point where it would pay slightly more than enough.
And now it's gone.
I think too many people are experiencing that dropping feeling. That feeling of the whole universe just vanishing. Unfortunately, I think that feeling is going to spread.
What am I going to do?
Haven't a clue.
I don't like most of the options that would be most likely to pan out. IE: Doing what I've been doing somewhere else. Most of the somewhere elses I've been weren't all that fun. Finding some other little niche in the corporate cesspool doesn't really appeal, specially not with the cost of transportation likely to do nothing but climb. There's retail or fast food here in town, and that appeals about as much as a tooth ache.
I realize that's probably where it'll end up, and I will do it. But I won't like it.
And nobody said I had to like it...
So, on the way home tonight, (I bussed it without the MP3 player, so I had a lot of time to think) I decided, I'm gonna do some of the things I've been wanting to do. I've already done a couple of them. I started this blog and I made a Gnome.
And I'm doing good at the writing something everyday. I've got a start.
So, come Tuesday, July 5 I'm gonna start doing some of the things I've been wanting to do, at least for a little while.
I'll keep you posted...

Thursday, June 23, 2011

I’m gonna run a write in campaign for president…

Cross posted to:

I want to bring sanity back to Washington.
We’ll start balancing the budget at the very top. If elected I will immediately take a half cut in pay. If I can’t live on $100,000 there must be something very wrong. The half cut in pay will extend to all higher-level government employees. Everybody making more than a $100,000 takes a cut.
I’ll start with half, but I’ll negotiate.
I think that if there’s belt tightening to do it should start at the top. I will cut government waste by cleaning house. All redundant boards and commissions and agencies will be cut. Everything will be reorganized and streamlined. No more five boards and agencies to over see one thing.
Next, all lobbyists will need to pack and leave town. There will be no more lobbying by paid professionals. You got a proposal or cause, submit it in writing. If there is a meeting between special interest and lawmakers it will be conducted in public, with witnesses, maybe even on web cast, so the people can watch their representatives in action.
Next we’ll collect and publish all historical records of the CIA, NSA, and FBI. Me, I’m thinking nothing over ten years remains secret. Then we’ll take a good look at the Pentagon and the military and clean up their act. We’ll draw down troops and bring ‘em home. Not all of them, we should maintain a presence in the world at large and we would clean up the messes we’ve made.
All congressional staff and perks would be cut and brought in line with what your average office supervisor has. How many aides do you guys really need? You can’t drive your own car? Really? No more freebies, you guys should have to pay for your haircuts and shoeshines just like the rest of us. A new rule is that senators and representatives have to do their own reading, and there will be a test. No more paying a staffer to skim the bill and give you the high points. Maybe if you guys have to read ‘em you’ll quit making ‘em so wordy. From now on, there will be one item per bill. No riders, amendments, or additions, no more hiding things in a mass of words. That should reduce the reading load a bit.
All state functions will be scaled down. We don’t need big showy dinners and meetings. We don’t need to put on a show. In this time of worldwide financial crisis we should set the example of how serious, responsible adults act. When money’s tight you do without the frills.
If elected, I will stop all subsidies to big business and industry. In a free market you sink or swim on your own, no more bailouts. You guys say you want a free market, we’ll make it one. All financial institutions and banks have thirty days to publish their accounting records for the past five years on line. If you expect people to give you their money, they should be able to see what you are doing with it.
If elected I will increase the staff of the IRS, I will give the internal revenue service some teeth and point them toward big business and industry. No more funneling money off shore, if you have a corporate presence in this country you pay taxes on all income, I don’t care where it was made. I want the tax records reviewed and I want all monies owed, with interest. I want the tax records of every single person making more than $100,000 ($200,000 per married couple) for the last five years reviewed and I want the money owed, with interest. I want the tax records of every person who has held an elected position in the past ten years reviewed with a fine-tooth comb and I want all monies owed, with interest.
With the money saved from all that I would balance the budget (actually, I’d pay someone else to figure that out.) I would start a program like the WPA. We’d have a work force cleaning this country up and repairing infrastructure. I would clean up, repair and fund all public schools, establish free health clinics and food pantries and extend light rail from coast to coast.
If elected, I will abolish welfare and establish workfare. If you want money and support, you gotta pass a drug test and work for it.
I would revive and strengthen the EPA and give them the mandate to make this country clean up its act and work towards a sustainable existence. I would fund research into truly sustainable energy. Not cash cows like ethanol.
I would require all federally funded food programs to obtain the majority of produce and meat from local U.S. sources, with small farmers and ranchers given preferred status. All federal supplies and provisions would be manufactured and produced in this country.
We can make America truly great.

Well, that's a start.

Whatcha think? Do I stand a snowball’s chance?

Monday, June 20, 2011

My first Gnome...

His name is Hubert Whopperbottom.  His is a very distinguished family.


Friday, June 17, 2011

The economic war…

Cross posted to
Well, the war on the little man continues apace, and I am, yet again, a frontline causality.
I’ve been laid off, canned, sacked, dumped, made redundant, downsized even.  They told me last Thurs., but I have to work till the end of the month.
Good news for the robber barons that are running us into the ground, my unemployment statistic won’t show in the official numbers.  I, like all the others that have gone before, can’t collect unemployment.  Working for a non-profit sucks like that.
The good news is, my garden is doing very well and I have 26 voluntary tomato plants.
I’m busily trying to think of some way of making a living without going back into the corporate system.  My most likely avenues of employment are retail and fast food.  Which are the low end of the corporate totem pole.
But I’m right where I should be, looking at holding down multiple part-time jobs just to keep a roof over my head and food on the table.  Ain’t America grand?
And I just marvel at my 'superiors', who think that life is peachy keen and hunky dory.  I marvel that they can be so blind.
About a year back my supervisor’s, supervisor was asking me about the work on the house.  He told me all about the new hardwood and marble, I think it was marble, that they’d just had put in and described the work they had done on the kitchen.  He asked me what I was going to put down on the floor.  When I answered with the truth, ‘what ever is cheapest at Becky and Wanda’s carpet and tile center,’ he looked at me like I had grown a second head.  (For those of you not from this area, Becky and Wanda are the princess and queen of carpet and tile.  They’ve had ads running on local TV for decades.  Cept I think Becky did a hostile take over cuz’ it’s just Becky’s carpet and tile now.)
And all I wanted to say, and all of me wanted to say it, and it’s not often that we all agree, was…
‘You KNOW how much you pay me, what do you expect?’
I mean, did he honestly expect that I was going to have hardwood installed?  On what I make?
Between him and his wife they have to be pulling in at least $100,000.  I make, made, less $30,000.
Do people really not understand what that means?  Don’t you get that I pay out more than half my yearly salary for the basics? 
If I were making $30,000 even low balling basic things like rent and food and gas I have a whopping $11,000 left over at the end of the year.  Now let’s talk about things like medical costs and repairs on the car or house.  What about cloths?  Shoes?  Etc….
Think I’m gonna be jettin off to Jamaica anytime soon?
Even if I hadn’t just lost my job, that’s not a likely possibility.
I haven’t even done the floors yet.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


I'm getting ready to go to work.
Yes, I've been laid off, but I have to work through the end of the month.  Really wish they would have just waited and told me on the 30th.  This seems like a long, lingering death.  One of those melodramatic scenes where the hero twitches and gasps and flops around.  The patterns my life has fallen into are slowly and agonizingly shredding.
I can't start new ones and I can't cut the old ones loose.  I'm feeling like a limbo walker.  I'm there, but I'm not a part of it anymore...
My new goal is to write something everyday.  So far I'm doing pretty good.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Now I remember ....

Exactly why I've not done this before.
Start off with a simple idea and get sucked up into a whole new world of things to explore and play with.  This is taking a lot of time away from the house and the yard.  I've explored Blogger and Picasa and found all the other things Google offers.  It's gonna take some time to get used to all this and lean how to navigate and do all the cool stuff.
I'll have more time in two and a half weeks when I'm fully unemployed. to really get up to speed.  Right now I will content myself with small steps.  It's all a bit over whelming, and I can see a lot of possibilities.  I've always been impatient.
For now, I've managed to upload an album to Picasa and made two posts.  Not all bad.
Right now I'm burning daylight and I still have to go to work tomorrow.
I've posted an album to Picasa, Google's photo sharing site.  It's pictures from Archon 34, last year's con.  If yer interested check it out.

The first try got deleted.

Archon 34

Saturday, June 11, 2011

You've just been laid off!

What do you do?
Me, I start a blog.
It's something to do, and it looks like I'll have some time to work on it.  But right now, I've got to go work on the flower garden.
I'll be back...