Friday, June 17, 2011

The economic war…

Cross posted to
Well, the war on the little man continues apace, and I am, yet again, a frontline causality.
I’ve been laid off, canned, sacked, dumped, made redundant, downsized even.  They told me last Thurs., but I have to work till the end of the month.
Good news for the robber barons that are running us into the ground, my unemployment statistic won’t show in the official numbers.  I, like all the others that have gone before, can’t collect unemployment.  Working for a non-profit sucks like that.
The good news is, my garden is doing very well and I have 26 voluntary tomato plants.
I’m busily trying to think of some way of making a living without going back into the corporate system.  My most likely avenues of employment are retail and fast food.  Which are the low end of the corporate totem pole.
But I’m right where I should be, looking at holding down multiple part-time jobs just to keep a roof over my head and food on the table.  Ain’t America grand?
And I just marvel at my 'superiors', who think that life is peachy keen and hunky dory.  I marvel that they can be so blind.
About a year back my supervisor’s, supervisor was asking me about the work on the house.  He told me all about the new hardwood and marble, I think it was marble, that they’d just had put in and described the work they had done on the kitchen.  He asked me what I was going to put down on the floor.  When I answered with the truth, ‘what ever is cheapest at Becky and Wanda’s carpet and tile center,’ he looked at me like I had grown a second head.  (For those of you not from this area, Becky and Wanda are the princess and queen of carpet and tile.  They’ve had ads running on local TV for decades.  Cept I think Becky did a hostile take over cuz’ it’s just Becky’s carpet and tile now.)
And all I wanted to say, and all of me wanted to say it, and it’s not often that we all agree, was…
‘You KNOW how much you pay me, what do you expect?’
I mean, did he honestly expect that I was going to have hardwood installed?  On what I make?
Between him and his wife they have to be pulling in at least $100,000.  I make, made, less $30,000.
Do people really not understand what that means?  Don’t you get that I pay out more than half my yearly salary for the basics? 
If I were making $30,000 even low balling basic things like rent and food and gas I have a whopping $11,000 left over at the end of the year.  Now let’s talk about things like medical costs and repairs on the car or house.  What about cloths?  Shoes?  Etc….
Think I’m gonna be jettin off to Jamaica anytime soon?
Even if I hadn’t just lost my job, that’s not a likely possibility.
I haven’t even done the floors yet.


  1. Haha! Good post. The self-inflicted blindness of the comfortable is never to be underestimated! I was laid off two years ago with a minute's notice and no severance after 25 years on the job! Now I clean houses and offices for a new life as I near my 50th birthday! The good part is I'm not beholden to an employer anymore...the bad part is, well there are several bad parts: lots less money, no health care and no vacations. But at least I still have a roof and three squares a day.

  2. 25 years and no severance? That sucks.
    I marvel at how little people mean in the grand scheme of the new world order.
    But, even with the lack of health care and vacations, I'm glad you found a way to make a living without the employer. I'm hoping to stay out of fast food....

  3. Does the phrase "Doublemeat Palace" mean anything to you....or have you never watched "Buffy the Vampire Slayer"?

  4. LOL, yes that was one of the first things that popped into my head when I started thinking about the options. I guess I'm gonna have to pull out the DVDs and watch it again.
    I am a semi-constant fan of Wheadon. I haven't watched all of 'Angel' yet. When they moved it opposite 'West Wing', 'West Wing' won. I'll work my way back around to it at some time.
    Are you familiar with The Doctor?

  5. No, I'm not....but I have watched three seasons of the West Wing on DVD, which I liked quite a bit. Need to watch the rest but the problem with me and good TV on DVD is that its just too addictive.
