Monday, November 11, 2013

Starting again....

Yes, it's been awhile.
Turns out that 2013 is not a year conducive to consistent blogging.
But 2013 has been a year of great change and I have a precious short span of focus.
The biggest change of 2013 is relocation.
And this is one of the longest moves in history.  It's been going on since the spring and there's no end in sight.  But I have officially moved.
Back in June I posted Home of the future.... to Picasa.  The album starts with pictures of the outside of the house and the property, cuz that's all I had access to when the pictures were taken.  The next run is the night we got the keys, and then there's pictures of the horses coming home, cuz they moved in before anyone else did.
And slowly the home of the future has morphed into the home of the present...
I have to be honest I had reservations about this move.  I'm not really sure how much I'm giving up to make this move and things are really complicated.
But, this is a step closer to what I want.
And I do believe in the philosophy of following your bliss.  So I'm following it, regardless of what it costs.
I still have reservations.  But so far so good.
So I have to up date my status.  I'm now sharing a large house with 1 person, three dogs, I'm not sure how many cats, four horses, and 1 teenager every other weekend.
I'm still an economic spy.
I'm still not making much money.
I'm still disgusted with the current political and social situation in this country.  FaceBook has been the main outlet for political muses of late.
I really want to get the Blog up and running again, and I'm still beating myself up for spending sooo much time on this post.  I keep telling myself that if I just kept up with it it wouldn't take so long.
We'll see.  For right now I will be happy that there's 3 new albums on Picassa and content myself with making another start.
This move has taken me closer to off grid than the Granite house ever could.  I like it out here.  It's comfortable and fun and we've had some really good food!  I've taken more pictures this year, and for me, that is a good thing.

Life in the home of the present....

So, for today, I'm going with Poi Dog Pondering and taking things as they come.  Hope you all have a good day.

 Oh, yeah, the third Picassa album is:

Gorilla Gardening: Down & Dirty Land Survey

But it's just pictures.  I'm not gonna do that post right now.
Right now I'm gonna go make bread.  I said I was gonna make bread, and if I don't make the bread I'm afraid my house mates might lynch me....

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