Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Return to Monday...

I know, technically, it's not Monday anymore.  This Monday passed about 6 mins. ago.  But I ain't been to bed yet...
Looking back I realized that there was a time when I was doing a sorta Monday summation post.  I'm making a stab at resurrecting that convention.  We'll see how it goes....
This Monday was good.  It was bright and sunny and cool.  I've been lucky that there's been a long stretch where I've not been conditioning the air in any way, shape, or form.  There's been a couple days that were hot enough to make me consider it, and most mornings lately I've resisted the temptation of heat.  But it's been comfortable enough without.  If it hits 87 tomorrow, I'll be turning the air conditioning on.
I finished 3 jobs yesterday so I could take today and tomorrow off.  These are designated house days.  Today I got side tracked updating music files.  That was the entertainment portion of the day.
And I did accomplish something I've been wanting to do for a while.
More music added to the Sansa clip.  I really like that little piece of tech.  Makes my life a lot more interesting.  I've got hours of music on it and it isn't even half full yet.  I hadn't worked on the long term project of getting all my CDs ripped and rating all the songs in my collection in a long time.  So I don't feel too bad about the time spent.
I got the kitchen cleaned up, moved laundry along, and remade the bed.
Tomorrow I need to get out early and mow the lawn.  The tree limbs are out of the garden, so I can really get started on that.
There's still all sorts of stuff to do.  I've got 3 jobs due by next Sunday.  So I'll be venturing out to St. Peters on Wednesday.
Today was a fun day.  I got to listen to some good music and I spent the evening hanging out with one of my best friends.  So it's all good, for now.
I'm still robbing Peter to Paul, but I catch Peter up occasionally.  So I'm holding my own, treading time.
But it's late and I've got to get to bed...

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