Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Snow Kitties….

Today really is 3/8/2015.  So last week is 3/1/2015...

Hey, with this Blog ya get time travel, how spiffy is that?

Started this post a few days ago and the got waylaid by coffee and cups. Had to rename that file, and start this one over.  I’m still doing this off line, so I’m kinda in the wild.  These things could get real out of hand.

If consistency is the Hobgoblin of little minds, I don’t have much to worry about….

Or too much to worry about, depends on the perspective I suppose.

This time last week we had snow on the ground.  I mean serious snow, not some wimpy dusting.  It started falling late Saturday afternoon and kept on coming down.  By Sunday morning we had 6 to 7 inches on the ground.

It’s not the first snow we’ve gotten this year.  We’ve had a few inches here and there, but this was the most all at once.

This is pretty much the first winter for all our outdoor cats.  Last year none of them really wanted out.  But, over the summer several have taken to wondering ways.  They all dealt with the season in their own fashion.


Chiana went out and wanted back in, but didn’t want to come in.  She expects someone to carry her.

Yeah right…

Hope went out and bitched about it.  She is very vocal about her displeasure.

Jethro still goes out from time to time.  But he finds the lack of bugs disappointing.  He hasn’t been the same since they harvested the corn field last fall.  He misses his jungle.

We’ve had refusals at the door with all of them at different times.


Riley and Drifter are our dedicated outdoor cats.


And they insisted on going out with the dogs, like always…

Now, as I said this is the first winter for these guys.  Riley wasn't much of an outdoor kinda of guy since I pulled him out from under the shed in November of 2012.  That changed last summer.  He likes going out with the dogs and he's usually the last cat to come in.  Drifter is a voluntary inmate at Happydale.  He showed up last fall and moved in.  He might be a year old now. 

So this was their first experience with real snow.


They were both under the patio furniture, where the snow was not as deep, by the time I got the dogs back in.


Neither of them wanted to make the run for the door.

I’m sorry, I didn’t carry them out there, I’m not carrying them back in.  Suck it up, Buttercup.

I left them there. 

Kathy went out to feed critters a bit later and they were under her truck, where there was no snow.  She said Drifter made the run like a soldier going over the top.  Riley was a bit slower to move, but, he made the dash to door when she called.  They didn’t go back out that day.

Pushing the limits of the Morning Ritual, coffee is cold..... 


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