Sunday, March 29, 2015

FBEs from the last couple of days....

 March 28, 2015
 Quotes from and comments on the article linked.  These are things we seriously need to fix.

 'The wingnuts went ballistic, posting on the Facebook page of a local television station that if the girl wanted to speak Latin, she should move to Latin America.'

This is one of the biggest problems in this country.
And if you don't see the glaring inaccuracy in the quoted statement, you are part of the problem.

'Too many Americans naively believe that the 1% have their best interests at heart, and they fail to realize that when unions are strong and their members earn decent wages, that money goes back into the economy.'

That's another problem we need to fix.....

9 basic concepts Americans fail to grasp

March 28, 2015
Comment on the article cited.

Oh yeah, the war on is drugs is working, for the PTB and their minions.  It's working to keep the for profit prisons full, give the police state a reason to seize private property and search people's houses without warrants.  It's working to keep people running scared of both their neighbors and the police that are supposed to protect them....

Also love how the the Justice Department says:
The Justice Department law enforcement agencies do not have adequate technology to enable them to detect that type of misconduct.
You guys know when some poor Schmoe from nowhere makes a date with his mistress, yet you can't monitor the electronic communications of your own agents?
Let's say it all together now,  BULLSHIT!

 March 27, 2015
Response to meme quoting Sean Penn on Bush and Cheney creating ISIS.
Yes, the PTB do manufacture our enemies, both directly and indirectly.  Wouldn't surprise me if there are NSA or CIA agents embedded in some of the groups to facilitate their formation and determine their agenda.
Look up some of the released documentation, they've been doing this for at least the last 60 years...

There really are 2 separate and vastly different entities inhabiting the U.S.  There's the Military/Industrial Empire run by the captains of industry and finance, foreign and domestic, that seeks to control and consume the whole world, and then there's the Average Joes, who just want to own a yard and go on vacation a couple times a year.
The Empire has been growing since the late 40's early 50's and is on the cusp of end game.
And not handling it very well....
But that's a whole nother post entirely....

March 27, 2015
Comment on the article cited.

'Next, it was revealed that the Kochs own a 200,000 acre cattle ranch in Montana that has received more than $12 million of state and federal subsidies since it was founded. Two-thirds of the cattle operation is on public land, which means the Kochs pay grazing fees that are far below market rates while taxpayers make up the difference.  (In 2011, the state of Montana proposed raising these fees to get them closer to market, and a guy from the Kochs' ranch showed up to the hearing to protest this increase.)
This grotesque set of facts—two billionaires taking subsidies while trying to block our poorest citizens from getting assistance for medical care—was not well received by the press or public when it was brought to light.'
Kochs burning bridges in Montana Medicaid fight

'The poor stay poor, the rich get rich
That's how it goes
Everybody knows...'
Everybody Knows, Leonard Cohen

The rich taking from the poor to give to themselves.  That's what the Tea Party is all about at its heart.  Anything else they espouse is lip service and sham.

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