Friday, February 20, 2015

Yes, I went AWOL, again....

But with me, it happens.  For a verity of reasons, chief among them, lately, is that it takes Max so long to do stuff, I haven't been in the mood to mess with the Blog.  I sit down with the intent of writing something, wait for Max to chew through opening things, and then....
I'm onto researching how to kill Mulberry bushes.  So I sit and wait for Max to catch up and then....
I want to check email....
I spend a lot of time waiting for Max.
Trying to do anything with video is likely to freeze him up.  He takes forever to open files...
Max is ancient for a computer.  I really should let him retire.
But, ain't no money in his retirement fund.
I'm also addicted to Pet Rescue right now and it takes a while for the game to load, and it freezes frequently, so I've been wasting a lot of time there.  I like to play Treasure Madness too.  I've been loading that before I go make coffee and take the dogs out.  Sometimes it's loaded by the time I get back to the computer....
And time keeps on slipping....
It's slipping right now and there are things I want, and need, to do.
So, I'm really not saying anything now.
I've been working on a 2014 roundup post, but, see above.  I'm also having to sort through ALL the photos from last year, cuz I didn't keep track of the ones I used.  Anybody who plays with pictures knows, frequently, you take 3 or 4 shots to get the really good one.  I quite often crop and modify shots.  I didn't do good at keeping track of the ones I posted last year.  So I'm going through and redoing a lot of stuff.
I took a lot of picture's last year.
This year I got wise and all the photos I edit or post are going into the 2015 folder and staying there.
Lately I've been vacuuming, running the carpet cleaner, cleaning here and there, clearing off the book cases and the desk, doing laundry, working, doing dishes, cooking, etc...
And if you walked into the house right this second, you wouldn't be able to tell....
So it's life as usual.
We've got a good amount of snow on the ground right now.  It's been cold.
Haven't had any fires lately.  I need to clean the fire box, and the dog chewed the cord off the shop vac.  Really not motivated to deal with it right this minute.  Can't even think about getting a new cord on the shop vac till I have the money for it.
I did achieve something lasting this week.

The button collection has been resurrected from the ashes!  Literally, hasn't been together for at least 10 years....
The button collection started on a mall crawl back in high school with 'What's a place like this doing to a nice kid like me?'  I was sporting a black Fedora back then, pinned that button right in front.  It grew from there with gifts like 'I'll think of you every time I see something scuzzy under the sink.' and 'Drain Bramaged'.  By the end of college the hat was too heavy to wear.  But the collection made it through all the moves, mostly intact.  The hat sat out somewhere in most every place I lived through the years.  Till the hat gave up the ghost.  Sometime round about the mid 90's, don't remember exactly when, I transferred the buttons to this remnant of cloth.
And the button collection hung in everyplace after that.  Till the fire at Mary's.  It was dismantled, mostly cleaned and packed in the aftermath of the fire.  I know I have the rest of the buttons, somewhere.  They're in a couple of big baggies, packed somewhere.
So this isn't the whole thing.  These are additions made in the last 10 years or so.
But this, got the cloth off the bookcase and the buttons off my desk.
And when I find the rest of them they can go home.
For right now....

These are my favorites.

And I played with the camera....

Got an oil burner on a whim.

Noticed this when I fired it up for the first time...


Noticed this after I dusted the bookcases the other day...

And got an interesting pic of the Happydale Sun...

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