Saturday, February 21, 2015

FBEs sighted....

Hey, it's a post, right?

I really do write almost everyday.  A lot of it ends up on FaceBook....

"It's time to wean the world off oil and big money, and get a grip on reality.
Natural resources are not infinite. The earth is a closed system. We can't just pack up and move no more. There is no planet B. We can't maintain the grand life style of rabid capitalism, we're running out of planet.
Instead to going to ever desperate measures to pull every last drop and crumb from the ground, we should be looking at new ways to harvest what comes from the air and water.
Hell, we could be wiring up gyms to collect kinetic energy by now.
Right now, the modern western world is working almost half their time on this earth to prop up and perpetuate a destructive and dying system for a few shiny toys and a false sense of security.'

2-21-2015 comment on the Keystone pipe line.
It really is time to stop ripping the world apart to support our capitalist habit...

'And yes, the disparities in income between the top and the bottom do fall under the line of misconduct. Everybody in a corporation puts in the same amount of time and contributes something of value. Yes, some people are more valuable to the business than others, and do deserve a little more in the paycheck. But no one is worth 300% more than anyone else. Everyone working for that corporation should be able to make a good living.
Ya all need to think about working without a janitorial staff for a week or so.....'

2-20-2015 comment on a quote from Theodore Roosevelt.

 'Bigger is not always better.
Factory farming must be stopped. We were much better off 50-100 years ago when food was produced closer to home. Small farmers made this country great. We need to scale back and diversify.'

2-20-2015  An opinion on factory farming.  Again we need to stop messing up the environment.  We need to carefully pick and choose between old and new to lesson our impact on the planet.
Still ain't no planet B anywhere in the near future.

The birds 2-2-2015

 Only counts as writing if I actually thought about it and spell checked it and all....

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