Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Hanging onto positive....

Trying to, at least.
I'm still angry, at a lot of things.  I'm still cranky.
I'm working on it.
I'm also working on an echos post.  But, I had to go all the way back to April 2 on FaceBook, and that's taking awhile.
Busy with work right now.  So, there's a lack of time and obligations elsewhere right at the moment.
But I'm sitting here with the second cup and I am feeling some motivation.  It's unfocused motivation, so I'm just rambling, but at least it's here.
I've got to get moving, but I'm feeling a sense of impending doom.  It's been with me for a few weeks now.  I don't know what's causing it.  It's like somewhere out there in the Universe there's a load of shit waiting to fall on my head.  Have no idea what the shit is, but I feel it like the Sword of Damocles.
When I'm really conscious of the weight, I chalk it up to free floating anxiety and ignore it.
I have to go on what is in front of me, and right now that's looking fairly good.  Got plants in the garden, a couple of good paychecks in the near future.  The electric bill is dropping off.  Leonard's coming out of his cage and exploring the desk.  Moe's getting his feathers....
I've got a roof over my head, food in the house, good friends, lots to be grateful for.  I do recognize the good fortune I have.
And I am very grateful.
Yet, the doom impends.
And it worries me.  Impending doom isn't very positive, and I don't want that to be what I put out into the Universe.  I don't want that coming back three fold.
And yes, I am conscious of the fact that worrying about it, is feeding it.  That's why the negative is a spiral.
Reason tells me to accept and move along.  That's what I'm trying to do.
So for a contribution to positivism, I'm gonna throw out a couple of favorites.  Haven't done a favorites post in a long time.
  This one is inspired by a Me TV article:

Listen to the surprising demo versions for these 8 classic songs

Few of my favorite songs on there.  The comparisons are kinda jarring in a couple cases...

Again, Thank the Universe for David Bowie.
And Queen,  they've got a permanent place on my 100 things to grateful for list.

I'm thankful to the Universe that the original version didn't make it out alive...

Comparatively slight differences.  I do like this version better.

If you haven't followed the link, you should check it out.
They've got Prince doing 'Manic Monday'.  The clip of John Lennon working through 'Strawberry Fields' is worth a listen....

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