Friday, June 10, 2016

Over due echoes...

Well, I, of course, didn't keep up with the cut and past as written plan.
It was a good plan.  I stated with good intentions.  I always do.  Then I get distracted.  I always do.  Too many things to think and do..
This was a bad time to loose focus.  I've been thinking a lot, so this is going to take a while to put this together.
But, the longer I wait the more time it will take...

April 5, 2016

Americans Favor Fifteen Dollars an Hour for Congress

  Oh, let's be generous and give them a whole $8.25 an hour, for the hours they actually work, and that's just the hours they put in at the office or some verified work activity. Most of us don't get paid to travel to and from our jobs, so, they'll just have to live with that like the rest of us.
And, of course, no paid time off, no sick time or vacation, cuz, if yer only making $8.25 an hour you don't deserve a life.

Revealed: The Chamber of Commerce Strategy to Kill Empathy of Its Members

'The poll, commissioned by Council of State Chambers (COSC), targeted 1,000 C-level executives (CEOs, CFOs, or COOs) who were members of their local chamber (46%), state chamber (28%), or the U.S. Chamber (16%). According to the results, there was lop-sided support for various pro-worker positions. Of those asked, 80% supported raising the state minimum wage, compared to only 8% who didn't. Meanwhile, paid sick time was supported by a margin of 73% to 16%. And asked about "more time off to take care of sick children or relatives," the executives supported it 83% to 5%.'
And the lies from the money men just keep coming.
But, this shores up my opinion of humanity. Not all of the money men are heartless and blind. It's only the ones at the very top of the pyramid that are truly psychotic.
If we move the base, a good chunk of the middle will follow, and the top will come tumbling down....

April 11, 2016 

 Remember, without employees they don't have a business. Let's see Papa John make and deliverer all the pizzas ordered, everywhere, by himself, for an hour....

 April 17, 2016

Illinois Gov. Rauner tries to explain $250K salary for staffer

 This is worth revisiting at the moment. 
 Of course he has a lower office budget than his predecessor, that happens when you pull from other departments to pay your staff. That $250K salary came out the health and human services budget.
I said it when the story broke, If she's such a superstar she should let her dedication to teaching shine and take a cut in pay for a few years to be of service to her fellow human beings.
Rauner never really answers the questions, and he's uncomfortable with them being asked. You know he's full of BS....

April 18, 2016

We've gotta start doing something soon. We're gonna reach the point of no return soon.

  April 19, 2016

Who remembers these 9 cartoons based on popular 1970s TV shows?

They left out The Chan Clan.
But, I guess, even though it was on TV all the time, Charlie Chan wasn't really a TV show....

 April 20, 2016

Anti-Marijuana Politician Charged With Possession of Marijuana

  Well, it wasn't ridiculous till after he was arrested....

April 21, 2016

  Yeah, I don't think they knew what the song was about. But, it had Jesus in it, so it must be all good....

 OK, I knew most of this as disparate facts. Never had it all laid out like this before. Now it makes a whole lot more sense....

April 23, 2016

 It's called a write in, and I will use it. I WILL NOT VOTE FOR A REPUBLICAN!! Be it Hillary or Trump.

April 28, 2016

 If I thought that she'd won all the primaries honestly and fairly, I might vote for her. As it is, there's already been too many allegations of fraud and dirty dealing to trust her anymore....

  And that's why I'm not voting for Clinton.....

  April 30, 2016

Forget Bernie Bros — the Worst Trolls Work in Corporate Media

'The big reveal? The Sanders camp actually had an average donation of $27.89! What a scandal indeed.'
Come on people, one of the big draws for the Sanders campaign is that he's trying to run an honest, civil race. His supporters owe it to him to do the same. Don't stoop to the level of the trolls.

OK, been working on this for a bit, and this is as far as I've gotten.  I'm gonna post this one and start another echos post.  I'm going to keep working on it, even though I keep jumping the gun...

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