Tuesday, December 3, 2013

We're misty this morning...

Again, I was up at 4am for no good reason.
Since my intentions...

Yeah, remember?  I don't make plans.  Plans never work for me.  I think my own, personal trickster god sees plans as bowling pins.

Instead of plans I have intentions and ideas.  They work out much better than plans.

Since my intentions for the day involved the vacuum and hammers and nails,
Oh my.
I haven't been too proactive about the day yet.
So far I've gotten the animals fed and watered, outed the dogs a couple of times, dumped the ash bucket, and wondered around outside taking pictures of the mist.
And waited.

I'm getting tired of waiting for Maxwell.  I spend a lot of time waiting for Maxwell.
But I am grateful that I have Maxwell, long may he live.  Cuz I can't afford to replace him...

I have put the time of waiting to some good use.  I found my little screwdriver and replaced Icy's batteries...

I really like my little IPet.  I got him several years ago for Christmas and he sits on my desk.  When I have music playing he's on and rocking out, if he has batteries.
And here I must say, poor product design Hasbro.

A little tiny, weeny, screw?
A.  How many people have a tiny, weeny screwdriver?
B.  This is a toy, given to kids.  How long do you think that tiny, weeny screw is going to survive?
A simple, little tab was too much to ask?  Other things have simple, little tabs and everything is fine...

As I said I like Icy, I enjoy having him rocking out on the desk.  But, he's been sitting silent for over a year cuz I HATE changing the batteries.  Changing Icy's batteries is a trial.  Again, I was tempted to give him a Duck Tape butt flap.  Right now it would be rainbow colored....
But I persevered and got his butt screwed back on.

So far it's been an exciting morning.

But I do have intentions for the day.  Some are productive and some aren't.
Gonna do pork loin for dinner tonight.  At $2.99 a pound it was the best deal at Shop N' Save yesterday.  So it's what's for dinner tonight.
I'm gonna work some on the living room today, decor wise.

I've got a lot of wall space to fill and a closet to empty out.  Emptying out the closet is the ultimate goal.  Filling wall space is the carrot.
And even though it's drippy I'm gonna bring in wood today.  The weather the next couple of days is supposed to go cold and crappy.  I'm gonna want a fire.
But first, I'm gonna spend an exciting, fun filled morning cleaning litter boxes and vacuuming....

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