Sunday, December 29, 2013

Holy Cow.....

I got one!
L's mom made me a Holy Cow for Christmas.
Isn't it nifty?  I saw one when I was over there on Thanksgiving and thought is was the coolest thing.
And now I have one.  It's on the Christmas Tree right now, but it isn't going to get packed away with the Christmas decorations.  I'm gonna find it a permanent home.
So far the holiday season has been good.  Not perfect, but good.

This is turning into a long rambling thing.  I'm warning ya now.  This is developing ear marks of running through the last whole bit of the year.
Started this on Thursday, and now it's Sunday morning.  It's a grey day here at Happydale.  Friday & Saturday were warm sunny days.  We even got to turn the heaters off for a while.  Ruth & Rusty were very active the last couple of mornings.  I got a set of binoculars for Christmas.  

So now I can rear window the squirrels.  I was gonna say that they were absent this morning, But Ruth just came home from a forage in the corn fields with a big fat half ear.  The hawk has been about.  No I haven't gotten a good look at him yet.  I need to do some rearranging of the desk to get more window real estate.
And I need to remember to take the little pair out with me.  He's been out there a couple times when I've gone out with the dogs.  But he's not there very long.  So I still haven't gotten a good look at him.

Back track, consider this beeping noise...

I got a pair of binoculars for Christmas last Sunday.  Haven't had much of a chance to mess with them yet.  I got a lot of stuff to do and I'm lazy.
And I waste time messing with this blog...
Our little family unit had Christmas last week.  K's son was here for the weekend but he was going back to his Dad's early Christmas Day.  We had our celebration early so he had time to play with the train set and BB gun he got for Christmas.
D, K's son was sick.  I think a weak germ from him has been working through the house.  K came home from work Thursday went to bed at 4pm and slept till the next morning.  I've had something sitting in my colon like a brick....
I worked Monday.  So that day was shot.  Tuesday I was gonna do some baking, but I was feeling funky and couldn't get motivated.  L & D went to L's sister's house for his family celebration.  I took a pass for various reasons.
Being a natural born hermit, social situations are taxing and getting out for them takes some work.  It's not that I don't enjoy them, but I have to work up to them.
It was better with Steve.  We were both hermits.  But if one of us was really motivated it was easier to sustain that than it is to work up the motivation.
When L picked me up to head down to K's parents in Granite, he informed me that I was required to show up at his mom's on Christmas.  So I've been forcefully adapted.  Which is really cool.
So Christmas eve we went to K's parents for the family gathering, without K.
K had to work both Christmas eve and Christmas day.  Which really sucks.  Nobody should have to work both days.  Everybody should get at least one of the days with their families.  Unless they choose otherwise.  Which many people do.

We're really gonna go off a side trail here.  Cuz I gotta say, it sucks to be poor at Christmas.  My Last check was just a little over $100 bucks.

And since I'm scrambling to pay bills, Christmas shopping didn't get done earlier.  I'm doing Christmas, the baking and every thing, next week and hope that I get the hours to offset the splurge in January.
Since one of my co-workers is going out to start Chemotherapy next week; there will be a few more hours hanging around.  Let's all think a good thought for S, and keep our fingers crossed that he'll be a cancer success story.
He said that his wife found an insurance policy for the both of them, that was better and cheaper than the one she had for just herself, on the exchange.

And the trail is taking a serious turn here.  Cuz on Christmas eve. K's dad got serious and asked what I thought about the ACA.

I'm the token radical in these circles.
And I don't like the Affordable Care Act.
But not for the reasons you think.
I'm a single payer fan.  For several reasons. 1 it saves money.  It creates a bigger bargaining block.  Evens out the cost of things.  2 it takes the middle man out.  Cuz that's all the insurance companies really are.  The idea is for a large group of people to pool their money and get a better rate on the product cuz yer buying in bulk.  But in our present system the bulk is all pork that the insurance companies are siphoning off....
3 it stream lines the process.  The prices are set across the board and things would be standard.  Easier to understand.  Everybody would receive the same level of care.
But of course, we can't have that.  Everybody would receive the same level of care??  What kind of socialist crap is that?  Why that smacks of equality!!  We can't have that in the USofA!
We can't have something that would eliminate the insurance companies.  Insurance is one of the most profitable industries in the country.  Who cares if it's a scam most of the time?  People are making big money there.  Who cares if people are dying?
And the sheep believe in death panels... 
Does no one remember the Clintons taking a run at health care?
And the disastrous trip into the Russian front of our political system that turned into?
That's where this policy came from.  It's a ripoff of a rejected repub plan.  Striped down and retooled for the new century.
So we get the watered down crap system that we have.
Which is really just another way for the insurance and medical industries to suck even more pork from more people.
At least more people will have access to health care.
And that is a good thing.

Well that little loop through the thicket has returned to the stream of conscious...

I got a beautiful, warm sweater.  I got a nifty heating pad that came in handy Christmas eve and some really cool lounge pants, they've got smiley faces on them, and a neck massaging pillow.  Had some good times and conversations and good food, got to watch Red Skelton and 'Meet me in Saint Louis' and 'Santa Claus is Coming to Town'.
Watched some Peter O'Toole movies.  He's always been one of my favorite actors.  But I'll do a seperate post on that, eventually....
Thursday I woke up feeling like I had a brick in my colon.  Thursday I really hurt.
I hurt every morning now.  Really can't remember a morning when I didn't.  Most mornings it's easy to ignore and works out after I get moving.  Thursday it didn't work out.  Things have been moving, but it still hasn't worked out.  Those of you who know the trial of IBS will understand...
So I've been moving kinda slow the last few days.
I worked Friday.
Yesterday I got to hang with R for awhile.
And today is Sunday.
I don't work again till Tuesday and tomorrow I get paid.
I've got a new bread recipe to try...
I found a recipe that I think will result in the peanut butter candy that they used to serve at school back in the day...
I need to get the desk moved around and the window taped up and cleaned.  I really wanna scrub the carpet...
I need to make cookies and fudge...
I need to go shopping...
I want to put bird feeders up...
Thinking about making a couple of things....
Wow, this isn't going to slop over into the rest of the week.
Cuz I'm done for now.
Hope everybody is having a happy holiday season.
Cuz it ain't over yet.

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