Saturday, April 2, 2016

More from FB.....

March 17, 2016 


Sanders hopes to lure superdelegates with electability argument

 OK, it's time for the western states to really push and save our collective asses. Please.


March 20, 2016 


How can anybody think Trump is not part of the system? The man makes his living from 'reality' entertainment. Which is the ultimate corporate corruption of the media. He's been to the Bilderberg meetings.
Trump is not an outsider, he's a shill.
He's a major mover for the deep state.

 Leonard looking for snacks.....

March 24, 2016


New Details Reveal Possible Voter Suppression in Illinois Primary

 I've been reading article after article and seeing post upon post about voter fraud and suppression, and how the whole system is rigged
And I have no doubt that it is rigged. The whole process has been corrupted and is thrown into doubt. From hanging chads, gerrymandered districts, and all the forms of voter suppression that have come slithering out of the shadows, the whole thing stinks.
And this is an important election. This is a pivot point in history, a make or break moment. This is the moment we stand up and take our country back to the home of the free and compassionate and sane, or we march like zombies into the century of world wide corporate fascists dominance. This is the end game, and from what I'm seeing, I assume they don't give a shit who knows it.
Or they really believe that we're all too stupid to see what is happening.
But we're not all that stupid. Not all of us.
Bernie Sanders is not just a candidate for president. He's a leader trying to build a movement. He's fighting to make this country a decent place to live for everybody. He's trying to get us to move and make that a reality.
If everybody that has contributed to his campaign, attended a rally, reposted his stuff on FaceBook, if we all wrote him in, he would win. He has the numbers, despite what the corporate media and the DNC are telling us.
If we could all get coordinated enough to write him in, and then show up on the White House steps when they tell us he didn't win and demand a recount, we could take our country back and stop the war mongering corporate overlords in their tracks.
Is there a way you can personally record your vote? Some way of recording your vote independent of the system? Anybody know?

 March 25, 2016


Our democracy has died a slow death over the last 50 years....

March 27, 2016

 I didn't comment on this at the time, but the moment is so magical and uplifting I can't let it slide...


April 2, 2016

Governments Admit that Much of Modern History Has Been Manipulated By False Flag Attacks

False flags have a long and dirty history. Makes you wonder if any of the terrorism in the world is real or just the powerful staging things to get their way....


Sanders/Warren There's the ticket!!

How Hillary Clinton Bought the Loyalty of 33 State Democratic Parties

'None of these are awful people; they are simply awfully rich. And they like their friend Hillary and want her to be the president. And if some of their millions will buy her way into the White House then so be it. None of this is illegal. But it makes a mockery of Ms. Clinton’s pledge to further the cause of campaign finance reform.'
The only candidate who is serious about finance reform is Bernie Sanders.

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