Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Too Synchronicicratic to ignore....

Sitting here with the first cup of coffee this afternoon...

I didn't go to bed till 5am this morning, so getting up at 10am was doing good.  Don't judge me.  This is a day off, I had the option of sleeping in.  I'm being slow to start the day.  But, I did start it,


Yeah, one for my side!

Sitting here with the morning cup, I'm pondering motivations.  I've got stuff to do.  There's rearranging my desk, so the cats won't be sitting on the computer, litter boxes need cleaning, floors need vacuuming, the kitchen needs attention, I've got seeds to start, I need to make a grocery run....
I've even got a job I could go do.
But, that's all for the day ahead.  First cup of coffee time is free time.  I get to sit with the first cup.  It's a reward for getting out of bed and starting to deal with the day.  By the time I get to that first cup I've been out with the dogs, and fetched water for the hoards.  So, I did accomplish something this morning.
As I do so often, I opened up Blogger and toyed with the idea of a post.  I have actually contemplated the idea of a post several times in the last week.  If I get one up soon I'll beat the year mark for lags between posts.  Which will be another 'Yeah, one for my side'.
These things eat a lot of time, and that list above is only partial.  I worked a lot the past 3 days, I've got a lot of work to do in the next 2 days, at least.  I don't have time to be eaten.
And there wasn't anything burning to be said.
So it was, again, a glancing consideration.
I opened the Dashboard, and then closed it, and moved on to more pressing concerns, like feeding my FB zoo....

I finished wasting time.
And then I had an idea....

That was the idea.  I went searching for a picture to fit the caption, and voila....
It was just the completion of an old idea, or rather a continuation of the evolution of an idea.  I've got a couple other pictures to try....
But, it started as just a quicky doodle.  It started as a one and done idea.
Cuz, I've got a lot of other stuff to do.
The idea was fanned this morning by a couple of things I saw on FaceBook.
There's almost always something in my FB feed that makes me want to have a 'Come to Jeebus' moment with a lot of people.  I've had a couple of my own 'Come to Jeebus' moments in the past couple of weeks.
And then the phone went off.  I'd say it rang, but most phones don't now-a-days.
Usually, I don't answer unknown numbers.  If it's important, they'll leave a message.  I'll decide weather or not it's something I need to pay attention to later.  But the number looked like it might have been a call from work.
So, on a whim of chance, just as I was putting the finishing touches on the above PNG, I answered an unknown number.
And it was the loan company that I paid off yesterday.
Back in November I needed some extra cash to pay bills and insurance.  I already had a loan with my credit union.  So I went to the internet, and didn't do too much better with interest rates than I did at the Cash Store.  I borrowed $200.  I paid back, and remember, I SAVED money paying it off early, I paid back $611.
And they called this morning wanting to know if I wanted to renew my loan for half of the interest rate they raped me with the last time.
And Jeebus beckoned....
And something was burning....

And it was burning pretty hot till I went to make that graphic.  That simple little doodle took me most of the day, cuz first I had to find the hard copy of the picture, then I scanned it, cleaned it up, and did a quicky Powerpoint file.  Then something went wrong when I tried to save it to a PNG, and I couldn't figure out what, so after having spent hours on that, I made a grocery run, came back and started from scratch.

I've run out of steam for the meeting, for now.  I've got other stuff to do.
But I did get two little doodles done.
And I will post this, just so I can say I did.
So it's not a whole year without a post....

Ah well  Not a TOTALLY wasted day.

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