Thursday, April 9, 2015

Shot to Hell...

That's my day.

I'm having a 'not far from my own bathroom' day.  Waylaid by the irritable  bowel.  I stay home on days like this.

And that has included not going out for fun things, as well as calling off work.

Luckily, I don't have to worry about the call to a supervisor now.  Taking today off will make for a couple of longer days over the weekend, but I've got nothing due today and time for everything on my schedule.  So no worries there.

I know to the 'you work unless yer dying' crowd this seems like a cop-out.  While I could regale you all with graphic descriptions and a high gross out factor, let's just say, it's never good to feel yer insides, especially not the copious feet of inflame-able tissue packed into yer abdomen. I've already done the extra shower and change of cloths for the day and really, really don't want to be 30 mins. to an hour away from the house if that is necessary again.  Nobody's ever paid me enough to deal with this crap in public.

While I sit here pondering how to salvage something positive out this crappy day....

I've been listening to The Plain White T's.

I really like 'You Belong'.  I'm hooked on the sound of the song; the beat and blending of the voices and instruments.  I like the lyrics.  It makes me feel better.

And that sparks thoughts on the power of music....

And the whole positive/negative thing...

And there's at least 3 posts in there...

Really not sure which one this is going to be yet...

Cuz there's a whole lot here.

Listening to 'Pause' makes me grateful for all the times I've blown off things I should have done to go and do things I wanted to do.  Like the beautiful summer day years ago that Steve and I blew off classes to go out to Northwest Square and see an early movie.  We went to 3 movies that day, had dinner at Steak N' Shake.  Killed time between the movies just walking around the mall, browsing, enjoying time with each other.  We really didn't have the money to do it, but we did it anyway.

And now it's one of the best days I can remember...

And there are many days I'm glad I paused and enjoyed.  They are positive things that lift me up when things are bad.

Cuz, I know that this crappy day is stressed related.  The past few days I've been letting the worries and setbacks get to me.  Had trouble sleeping the past couple of nights.  Letting myself get all bent out of shape over the lack of money...

And today I'm being forced to pause and consider...

It's good to pause and be mindful of the good moments, the moments when you want to stop the world and linger.  Pay attention to every little thing there, set the memory deep.

But, it's also good to pause in the moments of adversity.  To pause, breath deep, and realize that as bad as it is, it could always be worse.  Be grateful for all the bad things that could have happened, and didn't.  Remember the good things in your life, and know that there will be more.

Lately, I've been feeling the lack of big, 'want it to last forever moments' in my life.  There really haven't been a lot of them the past several years.  But in this pause, on this beautiful spring morning, after indulging in some serious puppy therapy, I realized I have a lot of little pause worthy moments everyday.  Watching the birds out my window, visiting with good friends, seeing the flowers bloom. listening to good music, these are all the little things that make life worth while.

And I'm grateful to have so many of them in my life.

And on that note, I'm going to go and try to be productive....

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