Sunday, April 14, 2013

Some Sunday Morning....

Now, I remember, exactly, why I didn't blog much last year.
It's adictive and time consuming....
I have actual work to do and I'm sitting here listening to the thunder and watching the snow, (Yes, we have thunder snow.) and typing and playing with the camera...

That's Riley being his cute self and the view out the back door at about 9:30...

Yes, I started this yesterday morning.  I had a plan...
And we all know how that works.
I was gonna take some pictures, and then get the work done.
Cuz as I said, I had serious work to do.
I'm working as a data collector for a retail intelligence firm.
Yes, I'm an economic spy.

See, I just did it again! I got a notion about a graphic.  So I had to go dig it out and edit it...

I had 3 jobs last week that were kinda F.U.B.A.R ed and  I still had had 2 of them to clean up.  It was about 4 hours of work and I was gonna get done then relax.
And well....
Oooooh Shiny and.....

So I started playing with the video on the camera, and I wanted to edit some of the footage....
 But I had to get a program for that...
And what should have been a reasonable blog entry got thrown out in the snow and I didn't finish work until about 9PM last night.
And what do I have to show for the whole day?
Well, I've got $40 dollars on the next paycheck ($10 of which will be gone before I even see it.), a whole bunch of cigarettes that I've already smoked (I buy tobacco and tubes now and make my own, saves a lot of money, takes a lot of time.), this post, which isn't finished and....

And that was Monday. This is Thursday.
The train went waaay of the tracks again.
Usually when this happens I just abandon the draft and move along, but I've got a lot of time invested here.
Monday I took the day. I had stuff I wanted to get done around the house....
Then I decided to finish this post. But I wanted to see if I could find a better program...
Which involved updating Windows and that crashed the computer....
And after I got Max up and running again at four in the afternoon my whole day off was shot to hell and gone and still had stuff to get done around the house.
I worked Tuesday and Wednesday. I've got today off and I have stuff I want to do around the house.
Why am I back for another go, I really wonder.
But I want to start using the video on the camera. I've got ideas to play with and need to figure out a less time consuming way to deal with them, so....
The whole idea Sunday was to do a video log of the snowstorm. I took the video and I'm gonna finish this if it kills me....

OK, let's play I surrender dear.  I've been screwing around trying to get the rest of the clips into this post for over an hour.  I'm done.  I've gotta work today and I have the new episode of Doctor Who waiting for me... 
I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or Max is just too old and slow to deal with it.
I keep loosing the embed code for the video.
So I'm done.  I'll mess around with all this some other time....

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