Saturday, March 16, 2013

New world order….

It’s time for one. 
We’re a little past the first decade of a new century, which has the bonus feature of a new millennium.  Weather we see or admit it, things are changing, in big ways.
It is seriously time for the human race to start adapting.
It is time for us monkeys as a collective whole to realize that we are messing with things that we don’t fully understand.  It’s time for all of us to realize that if we push the planet too far out of balance, we die, and mother earth comes back with a shiny new set of inhabitants.
And they don’t have to be as smart as we, supposedly, are to be ‘successful’.
Most of us are very familiar with two models of the modern corporate state, Monopoly and Risk.  Monopoly was designed to be a model of Capitalism, and it is a perfect model.  Risk is, of course, the game of world domination.   Most of us know how these games end.
Now I ask you, when was the last time you played either of these games to the end?
How many times in your life have you played either of these games to the bitter end?
Most of us quit long before the end, when it stops being fun.
What is going on in the world around us, right now, are global games of Monopoly and Risk, reaching the end of the fun.
Do we all really want to play to the bitter end?
It really is time for all of us to start thinking about a new world order, a new game to play.
I’m kinda partial to Candy Land, myself…
But seriously, I’ve been considering my personal future.  It’s not a pretty sight.
I don’t make much money.  I don’t really see that changing any time soon.  I live alone and that’s not a good thing, it gets even less of a good thing with each passing year.  (The stats on old people living alone are not good.)  I’m getting older.
For any hope of a decent retirement I need to change something.
I don’t want to play Monopoly and Risk for the rest of my life.
I’ve talked with many people about getting off the grid and living a different kind of life.  It’s time to find a new game.

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