Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Watching the speech....

All right, this is a truly non-sequitur, spur of the moment.
But I just started watching Sanders' speech from last night, And I gotta ask:

How the hell is Hillary Clinton the nominee?

I just don't get it.
How is rolling over, licking the boots of the PTB, and validating their chosen one, going to change anything?
How are 4-8 more years of war, capitalist excess, and Wall Street pandering going to make things better for everyone?
I'm about 10mins in and he's talking about leaving a better world for the grand children.
And I'm seriously afraid, that boat might have already sailed.
Yes, it is another non-sequitur.  But it is a vitally important bit of information.  To the entire world.  We don't have 8 more years to dick around with 'clean coal'.  If we can't chill the poles back down, we're dead.  The planet will burn us out, and start again.
And, jeeze, just had a serious sense of Deja Vu....
How's that for non-liner progression?

OK, I'm at the 15min mark.
He's restated the goals of his campaign.  Which are what motivated all of us Bernie of Busters, or what ever you want to call us ardent supporters.
He's talking about the kind of leader we need, while demonstrating that he, not Clinton, is that leader.
I'm wondering how he doesn't see that.
I'm wondering how more people don't see that.
I'm wondering how he justifies telling us to vote for the corporate chosen one.  How do you spark a revolution and then rationalize capitulating to the status quo?
Clinton may 'understand' that a person working 40 hours a week should not be living in poverty.
But, she's not gonna do jack shit to change that.  She's going to push through the TTP.  She's going to keep the wars going.  She's going to let the oil and gas industry and Wall Street continue business as usual.
How does that help me or anyone around me?

Let's end the movement towards Oligarchy seen in this country?
By voting for the Oligarchy?!

And of course, we've gotta drag out the Trump Club....

I'm just about at the end.  He's laid out a lot of things that Hillary Clinton 'understands'.  Does he honestly believe she'll act on that understanding, and bite the hand that's rigging the election for her?  She just declared that single payer won't work.  She's gonna push the TTP.  We all know she wants to go to war with Russia.  She'll say anything to get elected.  Doesn't mean that's what she believes.

And we can pretty much blame the poor excuse for true health care reform that Obama care is, on Clinton.  A good chunk is lifted directly from the plan she put together all those years ago.
Don't get me wrong, I don't want to see that pitiful plan just blown away.
I'm a single payer advocate.  As I mentioned above, she's recently declared single payer a non-starter.
So, I know with her in the White House, that ain't happening.

I just don't get where Bernie's at right now.
Maybe he's more trusting than I am.
I don't believe that Clinton is on board with many of these issues.
The only candidate that would fight for all of these issues is Bernie Sanders.  With Clinton, all this promised progressiveness is gonna vanish like a puff of smoke the day after the election.

Sorry Bernie.

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