Thursday, November 21, 2013

Ungodly hour....

I don't know why I woke up at 4am this morning.
Yes, I have been wanting to get back onto an earlier schedule.  I like to be home before dark, and now that the time change has settled that happens a lot earlier.  I was out early yesterday to get the one job done, and I do have to go out today.  But it's not like I went to bed last night with the aim of rising before the sun.  There's no alarm set, no definite aim for the day....
I'm in an odd sense of suspension in limbo.  I want to do something, and there's plenty to be done, but it's 5:45am and the rest of the household is asleep.  Sitting here, in the dark with the space heater whirring away in the background, Jethro sleeping on my lap, the 3 dogs sleeping on the bed, and not a sound from the rest of the house, it seems like bad karma to significantly alter the peace of the moment.

But I needed a second cup of coffee...
Luckily, disturbance of the peace was limited to Jethro and Luna, and Luna's disturbed anyway so she doesn't count.  Jethro, however, really didn't want to get down.  We had a moment of anti-physics cat.  You know, that moment when you're trying to get the cat off your lap and it's clinging to you with every molecule of being, and it suddenly becomes this giant, bendable, slippery magnet?
That was Jethro.  But he's already forgiven me and resumed his position on my lap.
Usually, my second cup of coffee triggers the feeding frenzy.  I have a deal with the animals.  I drink my first cup in peace and they get fed before my second cup.  Most mornings they're all ready to spring the moment I move.  I guess it's a little too early for food.  Even for Dusty.
A few days back, I got absent minded.  Got up, went  to the kitchen, made my second cup of coffee, turned around and had the 3 dogs and 4 of the cats in the kitchen looking at me like 'what the hell?!'
Had a Keystone Cops moment with Dusty the other day...
K had the horses out grazing in the front yard.  I don't let the dogs out loose when the horses are out, Dusty's too much of a pest and there's too much potential for negative occurrence. So they stay in the house when the horses are out.  But the other day I decided to turn the dogs out into the empty pasture and let them run unsupervised.  It seemed like a good idea.
The horse pasture has an electric line running inside the fence, top and bottom, to keep the horses from pushing on the fence.  It's not much of a current, but it is enough to get your attention.
I let 'em loose and waited to see what they were going to do.  Everybody went in different directions, exploring.  Doeman got zapped by the fence and of course that scared him.  Then Dusty got zapped, right on the nose.  She yelped and jumped behind me, and there I am, turning to see if she's OK, and, like something out of an old movie, she's moving with me so I can't see her...
We need to get a good video camera out here.  Then maybe we can catch some of the moments that would make good America's Home Video fodder.  Like the time K, who HATES spiders, was walking up to the house, I forget what she was talking about at the moment, but she was walking along telling us something, and she went between the trucks and suddenly there's a blood curdling scream and she's jumping around, slapping at her hair and cursing about the spider web.
Or the time Doeman was standing behind Oz.  He sneezed and Oz levitated a good 2 feet off the floor.
Or when Jethro tried to jump up onto the back of the couch, overshot and landed on Dusty's head.

So here I sit.  Listening to the dog snore.  Watching light creep back into the world, thoughts bouncing in 50 directions at once. 

OK, I just spent an hour organizing my graphics files.
Now, we're burning daylight and I've gotta get moving and get some stuff done.  Maybe I'll come back to this later...

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