Friday, November 22, 2013

Ungodly hour part deux....

Not that I'm up at an ungodly hour today.
But some of the things that have been on my mind lately lead me to that title and they are still running around my head this morning.
Cuz we're also coming up on the annual Christian hissy fit.
And it all clashes.
And trying to wrangle all that clashing into orderly thought is not coming easily this morning.
And now there's someone ringing the doorbell...

Just had the handy guys out taking a look at the barn, kinda anxious to hear what is going to happen.  We, those of us in residence and pending residence, want to save the barn, and not for purely selfish reasons either...
Wow, stealth synchronicity kicking in.
Cuz our barn:

 Is kinda an interesting real time parallel occurrence.
Our old barn, with the sign painted, we think, 46 years ago, symbolizes what is great about the idea of this country.  It stands for all that we could and should be.
And I still don't wholly agree with the whole wording.
Yes the followers of Christ had a big hand in settling and building this country.  But so did the followers of many other beliefs.
And the guys who laid the foundation were a bunch of rational humanists and Deists, in full revolt against Christian oppression and intolerance.  Anybody that seriously believes that the guys who cobbled together the Constitution actually wanted this to be a Christian nation are seriously deluded.
And to those of you who want to argue the point, I challenge you to bring me quotes from any of the major names supporting a religious government.  Maybe the simple act of trying to find one will penetrate all the layers of delusion.
But that aside...
The barn is a symbol of our, professed, values.
And it's coming up against the modern capitalist system.
It'll be interesting to see what happens with the barn.  Will the owners decide to attempt to save something old and symbolic.
Or will they decide to cut losses and demolish it?
And it's Thanksgiving....
Jeez, this has all the making of a Hallmark Christmas special.
And that still isn't the post I set out to write.  The wild muses are still dancing around my head.  But they are slippery and elusive and I'm outta time.
Cuz it is Thanksgiving, and our Thanksgiving is tomorrow, and there's a big house to clean, and I'm burning serious daylight right now.
Tomorrow is a BIG day.
Tomorrow we're having Who for Thanksgiving!


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